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The Psychopath Next Door

Chapter 5 Noise

Word Count: 1963    |    Released on: 19/04/2024



er storm and heavy rain that will occur according to the news. I hugged the

next to me. He lay on my arms. I suddenl

s. I hate this

es outside, and its reflection hits my bed. It's already one in the morni

I closed my eyes for a moment, and when I opened them, the cat


like he's always watching over me. Whe


ke up in no time. I'm not used to the dark.

thing. I took the flashlight from

t unnoticed. The tip of my finger hit me so I was


w times on my leg. As if he

ly heard a growling sound, as if in pain, follow

from where I was standing. It was followed by a bang f

knocked over the glass. It made a

er apartment also stopped. Silence enveloped the

Laurent Xhion.' I

ad. Why would

the dark corner. I breathed a sigh of relief when

hat place immediately. I walked fast until I al

the cold night air. I was startled to hear gunshots one after another

ng here in the mi

woman appeared to me. She was wearing a nightg

ved in last month. Denise, right?" He said casually.

mised. He looked slightly behind me where the g

o." I immediately said.

at happens often here" He lazily fixed his

e..can you explain that to me?" He stopped walking. H

find out because you'll just get lost" He said seriously and lo

y aside and let the authorities solve that problem." He said with a lit

can't fight—" I didn't let her finish what she was saying whe

w him on the floor breathing and taking pain. I have never forgotten some techniques that my late Grandfather

d sarcastically and adjuste

my apartment room is. I was surprised to see him holding a cigarette as if he had been look

aster and I loo

d I looked away from it

he third floor. I kept my eyes on the floor and didn

not to look at it. My hand was still shaking a littl

s the key fell to the

ear him because my shoe hit it. But I was even more

e h----

as right. He's looking at me. His arms are crossed and he frown

rom the floor and stood up. His shadow almost

t I can't stand it. His presence is giving me a shiver in my body. My kn

gh the smell is strong. I pursed my lower lip. This is the first t

ed and threatened Drystan whe

ghed d

n?" He asked. And there was


d. I fel

kitten!" Annoyed and I snort at him. My finger

be angry with what I said but

strands of my hair behind my ear. It was as if electricity flowed thro

eathing when his bl

pered deeply while

eathing when his bl

looking into my eyes. I was frozen i

n his two fingers. I swallowed hard while his eyes

hair against his nose, as if smelling it until it reached his red lips. He kiss


My cheeks warmed he said and shook

king at first, so now tell me first" I bravely asked while stari

ill know the answer." He smiled at me, playfully. He can't be serio

He raised his eyebrows and looke

e it," He looked at me intently but his voice was hoarse.

just really drunk that night, and I

y lip, but as he stepped t

ad fun that night? How you be

f cour


k and tightly clinging to the dress I was wea

ose and his fa

his lips lifted. "I d

that word. Or maybe that I want to happen. All I want




ing of when I used to kiss you." He gazes

athe properly because of the heat it brings. His Adam's apple rose

re just my fingers, kitten. How about I fuck you." He whis

shed him, but I was stopped when my hand touch

hand when he took it and

l his

ened. I swallowed. But his serious look returned a

ng me a glace. I noticed the vei


ou have a cl

nd turned to ent


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