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multiplayer sports

multiplayer sports

Author: wind chill

Chapter 1 Jerome

Word Count: 1379    |    Released on: 19/04/2024


tretched. When I touched it to the side, it was empty. Only a faint f

Jerome got out o

e res

uscles in his chest and abdomen, especially the big cock under his crotch. His morning erection is 18 centimeters long. His cock

on his school unifor

no res

robot, which looked almost like a real person. It was 1.65 meters tall, with a r

why did you get up?" the ma

s Sister Yun?"

She asked you to get up and have breakfast quickly, and then

Jerome s

d it on the dining table. After Jerome washed up, he sat down at t

as a soldier in the army. When Jerome was very young, his father went to the front line to resist the tide and died. My mot

Jerome’s family ba

received a good education. In terms of character, culture, and phys

graduating from high school, Jerome was successfully admitted to this school. Today's task is the f

't be idle, go to bed early and get up early, study hard and practice hard, and fight for t

r, "What's wrong with me gett

ared around the world. These monsters attacked humans and caused heavy casualties. Governments around the world formed an alliance to fight against the monsters. In 2300, the spiritual civilization was revived, and martial arts and physical s

Humans have been fighting mo

rict, Western Europe District, South Africa District and North America District. There is

at Magic School in N City is the best martial arts school in Donghua District and the highest institution of higher learning in D

vilian free warriors are the back

to become a powerf

tell you that if you dare to be late today, she will never sl

are simply too smart. On the surface, they

start until eight-thirty!" His home is very close to the No. 1 Combat Magic School in City N. Even if h

arly. When he just turned fourteen, the mother and son had an incestuous relationship, and it got out of hand from

She has a beauty that never gets tired of, and she is generous, dignified, and full of temp

eping with Vivian in the futur

has been more than ten minute

hopsticks, stretched out his h

, most of the household type robots have sex functions. Male robots have super sexual abilities and can satisfy alm

. It can be regarded as a better existence among robots. This was what Jerome begged Vivian to buy for him when he was celebrating his fourte

a high price of one millio

and auxiliary functions. It just doesn’t have

every day, he still wants an exclusiv

wouldn’t bu

ith her owner for sexual intercourse, it does not prevent Jer

the maid's clothes, he could still feel the sensuality of her bio

aid, "My lord, you can't beat me now. Please r

ome felt a pain in h

ched her butt again, then turned around

be careful on the road." Lily cam

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