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Loving The Beautiful Alpha

Chapter 3 3rd

Word Count: 1079    |    Released on: 20/04/2024

n and v

ation for that girl slowly turned into a crush until it developed into love. If Asher can only dictate his feelings, he do

half is just waiting for them somewhere in this world. And their only guide is the splash of colors that paints their bodies toget

oved to the condominium next door. At first, Asher was not interested in their new neig

d talent. For someone who was born as a so-called 'genius' in their family, it was already destined that only a few people can unders

er thought he will die in a heart attack. Even the wolf inside of him was making havoc and ordering him to approac

Asher knows that he falls in l

face. Sera is not only a sweet girl. He also discovered that she is a genius just like him and they share

had two things that he

iggest crush on Sera. But to be honest, these things were no longer a surprise for him. His

is never willing to hang out with just anyone else. If Asher is not playing with Aster, then he will obviously stay with Sera. Whenever Aster r

splashed around the words that appeared under his left collarbones. His eyes widened

purpose of his soulmate in his life. If that is the case, then Asher cannot understand the role his so

e mark, then Sera will also get hers two months later on her sixteenth birthday too. His mother said that the two people will know if they are soulmates if their

Asher's younger self believed with all his heart that Sera is his soulmate. He can

knows that Sera i

er's little heart shattered into pieces. There is no same mark as him that appeared on Sera's skin.

arr is not

at also goes the same with the girl he is longing for sinc

ike him. Is there a possibility that a mistake happened with their fate? Asher knows to himsel

im. There is another person that will love her with all his

he wolf inside of him is being restless every time she comes into his sight.

rk on her collarbones, She definitely has one hidden on her body. Sera a

he is not the one she i

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