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Succubus' recipe

Chapter 2 big cat boy (1)

Word Count: 3289    |    Released on: 20/04/2024


fectly fried lamb chop, with soft mashed potatoes next to it. In a

er - even if it can fill the stomach, the body's demand

ck cream soup, her bright red tongue stretched out to catch a bit, and the remaining white turbidity was smeared on

ting at the opposite table sh

eyes. There are two fluffy ears on his head, hidden in the hair, looking like a kitten with unshedded fur. However, the tail is hidden, indicating that he is an adult orc. He had been g

hungry that I feel dizzy, I can't bear to pick any more. What's more, the boy doesn't look dangerous and is

is delicate and beautiful, and she seems to have a soul-sucking magic power about her. Just the profile of her face makes people linger on her soft lips, slender neck, and round earlobes. Those purple eyes that didn't know where

d up suddenly, just in time to see a corner of the black skirt floating out the door. The orc boy hurriedly c

is heart felt lost, but he suddenly felt a warm breath pressing against his back. A crisp and c

thin back. César immediately tensed up and did not dare to move. While he was nervously explaining incoheren

ey? This sounds like a pervert or potential rapist who is following someone to commit a crime! However, he

ention of violating

with anxiety, and he subconsciously raised hi

lowered, with a hint of bewitch

against his chest. César is still growing. Although he is not short, he is not very tall either. The girl is only half a head lower than him. At this moment, her face

erflowed from the collar. They were white, soft, and trembling, like two balls of newly fermented and swollen dough. However, even without lowering his head, he could still f

upwards. While squeezing Cesar with her big breasts, she gently approached his lips. Yuan Weiwei stared deeply at the other p

acteristics of a succubus, is no different from an ordinary human in appearance and smell. Yuan stood up slightly on her tiptoes, holding Cesar's straight shoulders with both hands upwards, not caring that the boy's sharp

was a sign of courtship for orcs, and

ly grabbed and held up against the opposite wall. The young man looked slender, but his explosive power wa

ng a kind of aggression, and his whole person exuded the aura of a young predator. Yuan Weiwei let out a small exclamation when he made a

the weight on his feet. Speaking of which, she hadn't looked at it carefully, but the

rab her lips and slide them into her mouth. When the other party's tongue wrapped around her little tongue, the succubus' eyes widened: there we

efore letting go. The rough barbs scratched the delicate mucous membrane, and there was an indescribable and strange pleas

ked at the girl in front of him, her fair cheeks were stained with bright red, her lips were so delicate that they were bleeding, and her original cold purple eyes were crushed into a pool of spring water. The girl gasped and her chest h

slightly out of breath and whining in protest, César let her go, and instead put her fair and small earlobe into his mouth, sucked on it, and bit it hard, causi

made her whole body tremble. She is a person who loves pleasure. In her previous life, she was lazy and "insensitive to humans", so she stayed at home and ordered a bunch of small toys to enterta

n the air, and her legs immediately wrapped around the young man's thin waist. César was shocked by her move and blushed slightly, then pushed forward harder, his lower abdomen pressed tightly against the girl's round b

thing carefully, as if he was not unbuttoning a girl's clothes, but an explosive magic. Without the restraints, the snow-white plumpness pushed the clothes open by itself, like a slo

Use the heel of your palms to press back and forth on your chest alternately and regularly, squeezing your bre

lly pressed hard on the small bud, almost pushing her nipple

oes the kitten want to suck milk so much?

ook out the plump milk ball from his collar like a kitten that had caught food, and carefully licked the upper half of the curve to make it wet. The smooth and smooth texture of milk made him couldn't help but wet the tip. The teeth

nging touch in the secret place where even the sun had not shined, and felt that he was already being fucked. illusion.

seen such plump and beautiful breasts... It would be better to say that he had never seen a woman's breasts since he was weaned, and he had been suppressing the young feline's desire

w-grade taste from the main god. Fortunately, with the blessing of magic, it doesn't drape or feel oppressive. Humans who have been troubled in their previous lives are temporarily satisfied. Yuan Weiwei put her hand under her b

Weiwei's chest and rubbed, sucked and bit her. The novice succubus was made to gasp and feel numbness in her waist

les were wrapped in the hot and humid mouth and slashed back and forth, with countless barbs circling and scratching, and the areolas were rolled heavily, as if they had been carefully pricked by countless small needles. What's even more

it back and forth, twirling the delicate nipple and scratchi

e best at playin

icking…the ot

rled it. He refused to touch the nipples that were as hard as cherries. He only played with the girl and kicked her long legs to resist. It wasn't until she was pressed firmly against the wall and f

so good... The succubus's body has begun to react autom

sires and satiety, to strangle the prey with pleasure, and to eat it dry and squeeze it clean. Yuan

would feel like if this nasty

y, but his round pupils were shining like a predator wait

Yuan panted slightly and curled her lips: "You have to be pregnant with a baby to have milk. The kitten

d terribly. He has just grown up, is he about to consider becomin

lso a lit

cubs running and playing around, and his wife gently holding one in he

de up his mind. He came over and gave her another deep kiss. Then he lowered his head and kissed her from the

ter of cubs here. He will definitely ejac

as the night we had you. Telling your future children this way is

ough the succubus naturally longs for bigger and stronger prey, this was her fi

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