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A Journey of Love & Redemption

Chapter 5 Midnight Negotiations

Word Count: 760    |    Released on: 21/04/2024

year ago, was just a snapshot ta

y was wrapped tightly all around.All one could

ke eyes slightly downcast with a

ook a little

ismissed the tho

the woman next d

his time, Mrs.Lewis wa

u usually need more sleep than others.

said in a slightly

her constitution was weak,

l twelve hours o

er the Queen of Sleep because if nothing happened, she co

she was woken

the call with

voice rea

matter about the c


both take a step back.I give you half a million, and you

a comfortable position, but

ls’ annual net income

to her nominal guardian, Henry

's company wasn't to be given away so thou

ly never seen that much money in your life, right ? The presidential suite cost $100,000 per night.Moreover, worried that Cherry would be uncomfor

wasn't speaking, Angel

ney at all, and is close to bankruptcy.If you transfer the company


a wen

about it.I'm a high-achieving medical student, and I've always taken first place in professional know

n the world, and they can perform

he industry! However,

in a lot of thought to invit

what I'm saying! Nora, I'd advise you to quit while you're ahead.Don't puff

her brows, a

's too

demanded, "What do

tened her

ony loves, and what he values about me is also my talent in medicine! Even if I don’t get the company a

ively and tossed t

pillow and fell into


could just come over and send themselves to death's door! After a

ate investigators to look for

nged and

Cherry, she slowly instructed, "Don't play game

ur kills! Oh, y

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