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Will forever last

Chapter 5 My wife doesn't like it

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

this, Curtis stood up to leave but his mother begged him to stay , seeing this , javis was furious "leave, why do you always act like you're better than everyone " then R

ocked and didn't know what to do but tried calming Curtis down , patting him on the back didn't work because it continued so she came out of the car to the driver's seat, opened it and hugged him,the tears Continued for

s so Good that Ava was getting filled up looking at the different flowers , they made their way to a hidden section and the view looked like it came out a fairytale leaving Ava teary, they bo

id No "she's my childhood friend that just came back from the states" she replied with an oh and got up to look around after

om actually died when I was 8 and its just been me and my Dad ever since, He's great you know " Ava said with a little t

her . Now it was her turn to cry and she soiled his shoulder but he didn't really mind . He didn't really know what t

Curtis suddenly said before coughing

to the other side to blush and there was a long awkward silence and it was lunch time so he took her to a restaurant in the park to get lunch , while they took their sit and started ordering, Melissa who just came out of the bathroom saw Curtis and made her way to him and upon getting closer she saw a brunette sitting in the same booth with Curtis , as she got c

ater "You bastard , I was only gone for a few years and you moved on so quickly" Curtis's eyes turned dark and when he stood up and faced her , her body instantly shivered at the sight ,apologised and ran

d never seen this side of him But stil

t , I've never liked her mostly because she'

le and talked about their hobbies, "Wow , i never thought you were going to ever sit down to talk to me but here we a

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