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Trapped In Shadows

Trapped In Shadows


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1279    |    Released on: 22/04/2024


city beneath me seemed to possess a life of its own, with its neon lights dancing in the distance. I had always observed t

o one ever recalls my name. I don't feel that much offended when outsiders act as thoug

ry my best to stay out of my mom's bad book, so she doesn't ask her secretary to cut m

share with my boyfriend Jamie. I met him at a cafe an

est I've stayed in any relationship. I guess he's not lik

as soon as I'm done with college. W

elf. The mere thought of starting a life with someone who cared about me w

I had overprotective parents but it's the exact opposite for me. My mom and I had an agreement, she was going to keep paying my fees as

lf that, it was just her little way

t me stay on campus like everyone else, it's not like we see each other e

. Speaking of which, I hadn't seen Olivia for a while now. We're not that clos

was just across mine and I heard screa

sually just me and the maids who were

you in there?

ponse. I know she doesn't like me very much but sh

k but the other person seemed to only whisper,

nt to make sure you're okay." I pleaded but after getting the same r

d boyfriend Jamie. I know, I should have gotten used to it already but I've never really caught my si

d came out more

t was going on in this room and just ignore or feel too awkward about it and leave, but you... God, I don't even know

I could not believe what I was hearing from Jamie right now. Like

lked about this, I asked you this remember, and you

on the verge

you, talk more of choosing you." Olivia was right, she has always been the goddess. Always look sexy while I'm the

sked the questi


answered si

y sister you pig?" I yelled still not l

He quickly dismissed but I knew

but who's counting?" She replied chuckli

e you?" I kept hoping that I would be able to hold back my tear

ot you. But it seemed impossible to get her attention. Besides, it was fun watching you be all romantic ev

being serious rig

have known this would happen. As long as you have a

why I didn't understand what was going on in there." The look on her face was priceless but I decided it

't do anything drasti

to sleep, that's all." I coul

ceeded to the bathroom to freshen up with my mind made up on on

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