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Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Author: Kay03

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1376    |    Released on: 23/04/2024

l teachers of the academy were gathered there for no reason at al

xuding an aura of confidence that made evident him being a peerl

re of course top tier beauties, wearing long chi-paos that revealed ample part of t

st private parts of the young and pure m

air moved with each stride, his smile was filled with nothing but unrestra

ided to test his wits, so see if such overbea

agic, young master?" Said an old man

filled the whole room with admired gasps. He was the kind

Buy low, sell high." His reply made

losophy! He truly understands the Dao! Heavens don’t have ey

e have hundreds of years of artifacts and legacies,

him. All that they could think about was how to capture his manly h

hadn’t fi

e table. It’s a q

oon the professors realized that it would take them years to unde

d the baby count by one, some even by three

from the powerful Envy fami

rting death!

of an eye. He was the most nondescript character one could imagine. The

th your presence? Kowtow to me nine times and call

rs old. But what was their pride, the school honour, not to ment

y didn’t dare to offend. So, like the archmages they were,

ne can offend the Envy family and live

ted by both his

hand, Lith sent Bad Guy crashing into the wall, keeping him

crushed, his internal organs bleeding, his dantian

d to hit me! So despicable! Why did you r

other nondescript character appeared. He was older t

ce that they hid in the previous page of this

! Now Lith is really done for! He ref

hreatening speech here] from the Envy family. Cripple your danti

lling offer."

the final boss appear!" Lith sneezed, and the power of that simple move broke d

s!" He said coughing a mouthfu

efying the E

whole academy, while Patriarch F

are here by accident, we don’t belong in this novel!" The pr

ing: "I’m the Final Boss" was all the p

it’s time that this story goes back to its ri


It’s Supreme Magus, not The Envy Chronic

rong even a blind, deaf and dumb man wo

Cyber Monday Sword, a peerless artifact that the

nt could be clearly seen piercing time, space and even the Author’s patie

essure of that strike was unbearable even for the spectators. No one c

and unrestra

simply ripping open his robe, he

ked underneath, experienced non-stop nosebleed, to the

play chess over them, and a six-ab pack hard enough to act a

’t naked, on

d the strongest wea

at had tripped in the webpage ad

ght as silk but dura

still performing his strike was able to catch

a handsome, overbearing, manl

latinum armor, better

scram! I’m not gonna change the title of my work

or collided, Final Boss disappeared from

actly how many members his harem reached, despite havi

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