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Chapter 2 Who killed nat

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 25/04/2024

l jay

I honestly hate been inferior to people , now I will have to ov

what is my offense ?

ople laughing when nothing is funny or to make themselv

ily never asked you to look into it and without t


ughter’s case cause she also knows I’m trying to help her

think if it ends up being the truth

een in this for years and we bo

leg in this or not and I have made my decision and

nk I don’t know your dirty schemes ? Let’s help ourselves here . Sign the consen

onsent and immediately I called Kelly

station , Kelly

ave three good officers that can help us with this case

e send a message to the headquarters ,

this way please the dire

office. He was busy talking to someone . Immediat

up hurriedly . Like he’

m and I give him that ten

duce you to the officer in char

lf cause ….. “Laurel he’s the best officer I told you about t

toe . He’s well defined and looks like someone we can rely on but fo

tor , we really

ctor office and I handed o

w my name . So wh

ins Trevor th

ome important files and information


ation , I had a warm bath a

AR DIANE” but anonymous only sends me a page

something I nee


thing like I had imagined for yea

a total stranger . I still tried to ignore it all thinking , the first time will obviously be painful and it comes wit

I felt disgust

l always tell me , a man who loves you will treat you like he adores you when he’s

h I told her Ben and I had something that nig

happened so quick and I w

n’t want to do this , you don’t have to do it” but I thought har

o pay Ben a visit since we have both been d

head before coming to his place b

Mercedes that looked like Mitchel’s . They probab

are planning , I decided to turn a

ly ?

rmation about her and get s

uspect ? K

today , and from what have been reading , seems like

se why did she get married t

a text to Mr martins , we


alarm jotted me up and I’m

inking it is Kelly cause most times she r

ing room to open the door w

ring the bell when

amatically using his hands to cover his eye

upstairs hurriedly to put on a robe an

wnstairs . When I opened the door , he was busy on

both a lukewarm temperature water a

us and we both sat there gulping

poke “I was on a call with my assistant , Mrs Mo

ver killed her must be the culprit o

nds and someone else knows this as well that’s why they murdered her but , I

’s t

ope nat and Diane wil

his Diane ? Caus

t is you, Lau

Montana and I can’t remember havin

who loves me so they must be

k presentable , we need to

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