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My love, my hate, my hope

Chapter 3 The instrument of my revenge

Word Count: 1194    |    Released on: 01/05/2024

ina, which took him longer than expected. Upon entering his room, he was surprised and disappoint

the bed. He took off his clothes and was about to go to bed when he noticed a red stain

his story? A virgin! . He

ia messaging app and sen

njoyed your gift tonight,

my friend. Glad

to see

ut it tomorrow buddy,

, good

night C

utiful stranger! He smiled and his whole body was shot through with shivers of pleasure, he had to see his virgin

nd as usual, his friend had booked another room under another assumed name. It was very important tha

ly was swimming in happiness until Alain's lifelong friend Mathieu Lewis suggested he invest in a diamond mine in the state of Goat where he was from. Alain had great confidence in his friend and followed him in this adventure with his wife. Some time later Alain Howard was arrested and thrown in prison on several charges including fraudulent acquisition of a diamond mine, incitement to rebellion which were very serious offenses in

als very quickly allowed him to acquire the skills necessary to evolve in this field. At seventeen, he participated in the renovation of an old building which the owner then put up for sale. He had promised a commission of twenty percent on the sale price to anyone who managed to bring in a buyer. Charles was the first t

ystery around his person and most often used assumed names that Lucien was responsibl

the call was answered. Have

I came in a fe

ed all the videos in which yo

n my friend that's why you

the two men Charles was the one with

uses are very attractive! Lu

t back to more impo

the call was answered. Have

I arrived a f

ed all the videos you appe

n my friend that's why you a

se Charles was the one who had a

nuses are very attractive!

ore important things please. W

his girl is called Regina Lewis

ny tricks. He has just offered me the instrument of my rev

gests that she is

want to see her in twenty-four

ffic videos. We know that she left with her friend Kelly Barnes and

know about th

property four hours away from here, our men have gone out into the field to

thank y

! See you soon, I'll call yo

and not be noticed. He had changed rooms under a different name, but, someone could recognize his face and he di

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1 Chapter 1 You slept with another man 2 Chapter 2 The stranger from the other night3 Chapter 3 The instrument of my revenge4 Chapter 4 Marry me Regina.5 Chapter 5 This man is my new boyfriend.6 Chapter 6 My wife deserves the best.7 Chapter 7 One-year contract marriage8 Chapter 8 My daughter can't disappear like that.9 Chapter 9 Love me like the first night10 Chapter 10 Tonight is our bachelor party.11 Chapter 11 Legally, she was now his12 Chapter 12 You are free to see her.13 Chapter 13 Welcome to the family, Charles !14 Chapter 14 This man is the devil himself15 Chapter 15 Do you suspect your husband of something 16 Chapter 16 Anna, you lose nothing by waiting.17 Chapter 17 You are the mistress of the place.18 Chapter 18 Thank you darling.19 Chapter 19 I am a meticulous person.20 Chapter 20 You fell in love with her.21 Chapter 21 Black executioner22 Chapter 22 We leave for the USA soon.23 Chapter 23 Charles running away from a woman24 Chapter 24 Morality investigation25 Chapter 25 I would like to be your love for real.26 Chapter 26 To distribute everything to the needy.27 Chapter 27 Angel, love, my heart swings28 Chapter 28 He tried to follow you.29 Chapter 29 I love you ebony30 Chapter 30 A wedding present31 Chapter 31 My poor daughter is your prisoner!32 Chapter 32 A satisfied smile33 Chapter 33 Little fool!34 Chapter 34 I am a rich man.35 Chapter 35 I'm proud of you.36 Chapter 36 Solved the problem37 Chapter 37 You deserve punishment38 Chapter 38 This manor came straight out of my imagination.