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Into his dangerous arms

Chapter 2 Lost

Word Count: 1852    |    Released on: 26/04/2024

ent shivers down the spines of his enemies, and his reputation for merciless retribution kept the streets in line. But even th

his plans left Antonino Capello seething with rage, hi

me, he commanded respect. How could h

Eden Garden Hotel’’, which was one of his biggest hotels in Venice, but he gets a mess

business deal signed off at ‘’The Eden Garden’’ which was important. But G

clubhouse. After settling the disruption ‘quietly’, he went upstairs to the VIP lounge and pai

ar with people who came to his club, but this face looked new and beautiful. He got curi

to find the dude familiar. He tried to think and when

own leniency to, returning to the scene of his would-be crime. The Don’s fingers curled into fists, the muscles in his arm

rous viper. What game was she playing? Was she a pawn, an in

’t be jealous of someone he was supposed to kill and, besides, he didn’t kn

sending a shiver of terror down his spine. The tension in the room was palpable, as if

rfuge failing with every awkward step.Rosa, oblivious to the dangerous game being played around her, swayed in the rhythm of the music, her body a spellbinding si

d and stilted, as if dancing on the razor’s edge of his life. And then, as if by divine inter

eem to mind because he was already trying to make the party boring for her,

on. Her hips swayed, her arms flowed, her body a mesmerizing poe

curve, every sway, every glimmer of sweat on her skin. The air around him seemed to crackle with his

mirer. In that moment, the world seemed to fall awa

e, his chiseled features that drew her in like a moth to a flame. Rosa’s heart raced as her mind wh

eeks warmed with the realization that Rosa had caught him staring, his gaze melting away like ice under

a cold slap of reality. He cleared his throat, schooling his features int

here, Antonino.

ng the fine fabric as if to soothe his troubled mind. His expression hardened into the i

nly for his business but for his standing in the un

floor vanished like smoke in the wind. The flicker of doubt that had haun

. Her steps were bold and deliberate, her eyes fixed on finding the man who had captured her attention. Nothing would stand i

ath, his jaw clenched in a vice-like grip. The deal, so painstakingly c

hat there was a spy in his midst. The realization was like a lightning bolt, striking with devastating force. that he had j

He then realized something was wrong. There

man was nowhere to be found. She decided to try her

to improvise’’ she

smiled at them and vibed with them, so she could be allowed

lair to meet up with the investors.

een a girl and her enemy? What has she told those investors? Wha

to him, but who did she work f

d herself from the men she had entered the VIP lounge with, she went to the rail

up, she saw him entering ‘the staff only’ zone. She thought to

ve a pass key. She needed to enter that room. She just wanted to talk to him. She ha

taff came out in a hurry and forgot to

ppy nobody saw her, she staggered, she was so tipsy but did

e was sure she had seen him enter there, she was so

he room, but after she was done with her busines

ard a gunshot. She decided to peek through a door opposite the ladies’ restr

r body, her hands had a cut and were bleeding. She

tery man who was staring at her with so much disgust, then again, still confused, sh

ugs! She shrie

te powder of the cocaine was a stark contrast against th

ding crack, and Rosa’s world exploded into a thousand stars. Pain, fear

she col

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