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Word Count: 2234    |    Released on: 29/04/2024


it at the front of another car, Marcus entered the car, he ignited the car and was about to leave but he stopped, he came d

to take care of your.... ..... .' Marcus hasn't finished hi

thank you ' She knelt down and kept on bo


de her clothes with the thought

r for the others to see, Selena quic

unt of money? Do you sell y

ing me that question anytime I

' Mr Claus in

is amount of money Mi

park after I was fired, , the man just he

ge ' Mrs Cla

e to you, I will use it for the practic

for pratical this time, we are usi

ou want me to fail right ? If I get out of school this year, I will get a job and you will

ch, last semester you did 30 praticals I counted it

ital , life will change for the better, Don't let us not fight over this, it's just money remember your father just die, he. .. won't.

ill find another job to take of the family , and with the

I will get a new job and take care of the fami

em ' Mrs Claus said an

They bo

elf as the person who will serve the Chambers if the Money is not found still April, not it's April,he needed operation and I had no choice than to borrow another money from the Chambers for the opera

ave to go back to school very soon and I don't really know about Micha " Selena

g, Micha couldn't take the tears anymore

do it ' M

oung for this .....' Sele

is not that strong to do this, I will,

about this I will d

ow Micha either, I will just leave

' don't worry I will j

l do it ' Mrs Claus said and like that the thre



him, The mansion itself scream money, The guards bowed down for him, He didn't react to t

reamed and they both

t them down before

h ' Cindy said and quic

everything ' Cind

nk teddy bear you have always wanted ' Marcus said with a smile, He faced Wils

go I need to talk to your teacher ' Marcus said and Cind

ylor greeted Marcus with a smi

desame '

e ' Taylor said, she w

her lips sexily, even if it wasn't sexy to him, She was busy eyeing him in a seducing way, even though he fi

hree months salary, go get a dude, out of here , I don't want to see you

e when am back ' He said befo

't work with you, Mr Chamber ? Mr Chambe



instead of his late wife memory, the only thing that pictured in his head, is that girl face, The girl he met from at the park, Her voice is the only one ringing in his head ,

he was sleeping with, The picture came into his head again, he slapped h

hower ' He said before get



he sounds of cars could be heard, She has been trekking

ing her body, she cleaned

o is determined to win a game, Mrs Claus and Selena finally

ell someone to let her in she can't possibly knock, no one w

oat and was about to shout , sh

id with a questioning look, s

tood dirty and thin, she

His New maid ' The o

k s

an eyes followed her too, she didn't

n said disgustingly before ordering



well he is dangerous, he is the definition of a cruel boss , any little mistake from a staff, h

coming from that direction too, unknown to her that

g the boss and The dirty water poured on him, the people at the vicinity gasped at th

le body, she can't even move right now, A slap land


out of here ' He yelled

t the point of dying, Boss please hear me out Please P

me out of the

s almost dying ' The firs

people's business, you might end your job today, the boss is sti


ked at his cloth again, he entered the

' He said before

was about to open his computer when his secretary came in, she was shak

morning Boss

ou want Mia

back about the contract ' Mia said , ri

before collecting

he shouted on top of his

us again, you are not competent for this job , get your stupid self out of here GUARDS

ast chance , I swear am going to end you , you are

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