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A Return To Love's Madness

Chapter 3 Are You Pregnant

Word Count: 1691    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

to her registration slip and joined th

she spotted a familiar fig

f a place as hectic as a public hospital,

d shoulders and narrow waist, paired perfectly with

and handed it to the woman next to him. As he did so, his dia

t she told herself not to look away. She wan

Jason suddenly turne


uld see the cold displeasure

brush this unexpected meeting off as nothing more than a coincidence. But her

her eyes caught sight of the sign hanging over

ck-ups, then. She was quite surprised t

oconut milk tea, and her lips

oughtful and considerate

the three years that Chelsey had warmed Jason's bed, s

ss matters. Chelsey took a deep breath and stifled her nausea before dabb

e of the sink. He was nursing a cigarette, his brows knotted. S

ancee also

wered her head and pre

ot, and there was only one row of sinks. If she wanted to

t to do when his cold voice cut t

ix of panic and pain thrash

ion was as good a c


took making Chelsey tense up. He was

she was indeed pregnant, the man would

ike her bear his child. Besides, a child out of wedlock would

is fiancee or not. He would never cha

held her back straight. "It's just an up

t is not on this floor." Jason's eyes n

almost s

he to the idea of he

ou doubt me so much, Mr. Martin, feel free to accompany m

There was no way Jason would risk his fiancee seeing

the cigarette. She froze as he brushed his thumb against her pale lower lip, lest she

if I find out that you're lying to me. Be a go

ust as abruptly as

Chelsey caught a faint whiff of perfume. It

aware of the man's pet peeves. And the one thing that Jason

wasn't so rigid with his rules, after all, just

ation," she said before

stopped in his tracks. He turned and gave

ey repeated, sounding more com

as she could remember, he look

mocking smile. "Are you plan

s nothing wrong with being a housewife. The im

son suddenly asked, h

chest ti

rself believe that he was angry that

s he continued speaking. "Do you think

lt her fac

ld be like a beast unleashed, talking dirty and not holding back. He liked biting her ear a

the public, so she was quite mo

inued lightly. "The two of you aren't c

flicked it into the bin. His face was blank, as though he was just a

hose days were gone. Chelsey didn't want the remaining shreds of her

ted the same mocking tone he had used

hance, though. Maybe it w

r hands and left without

e hospital building. She didn't even return to th

ad no idea what repercussions her actions would bring her. The one thing she did know, how

esitating whether to go to work or not. Less than two hours later, she was knocking on

he said respectfully as she exten

p from the documents he was reading

ef, as if he had never imag

when he made no move to take the letter, Chelse calmly p

deep, dark eyes locked onto her, causing her heart to

he asked slowly, his voice wrapping aro

lsey replied as ca

ked and hooked his foref

lips into a thin l

tion or not?" Jason asked, sounding inv

ary and on her guard. The scent of sandalwood envelop

her cautious expression and

o this small chuckle didn't mean that he was in a good mood. If a

her towards him and pinned her against the desk with his muscular frame. A pile

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