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A Return To Love's Madness

Chapter 6 Know How To Beg

Word Count: 1802    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

a small, self-

f the company by the time you get married. If you are not content with that, then please feel free to approve my

and she had to stifle the ur

be tossed out and discarded like yesterday's trash. N

little bunny would defy him like this. He had given her so many chances to recons

n he gestured toward a stack of documents sitting on one side

the top-left corner. And each woman possessed a unique beauty, just

t as though she had been tra

t the man she had yearned for so long would finally take notice of her. She was counti

en part of a pile

, but because she suited Jason's taste the most. He had barely glanced

and, frankly

oked over the papers until she finally picked on

n ample bosom. Even through the phot

resume, his temples

had actually c

lap. "Looks are secondary," he whispered menacingly. "You'll have to te

to hold her in place as he ran his lips

uirm and struggle, even as she f

t he easily caught her in the next secon

vercome with sha

r flush against him. "If you don't want me to t

tone that told her she had

ower lip and forc

on slid his free arm down

time she cried no, his hands became rougher as they worked into her underwea

heard voices f

emale voice asked, which was followed by a r

on. Feel free

a Dixon, Jaso

mbled to the other side of the desk and hastily straightened her clothes. She felt like a mis

finally com

breath, feelin

tzed into the room. She was carrying the latest designer bag in the

iana swept her gaze over Chelsey, pausing briefly at the noticeable hickey on the latter's neck

set I ordered just arrived, and I was hoping that you could

s of tissue from the box on his desk and meticulously wiped his finger

stark reminder of her humiliation, her disgrace, as her mother put it. She didn't even have the guts to look

looking agitated. Without saying a word, he slamm

rant sheet of paper grazed her skin, its edg

perly and tie up loose ends as cleanly as possible! Do you even realize that you delivered those documents to the wrong agen

rned his attention to Jason a

t. Indeed, these contracts were the ones she had deliver

position to de

e was too preoccupied with Jason's mind

had no place in the professional setup. She

the documents and turned t

t and bring the contracts

ess. Your blunder constitutes a breach of trust between our companies.

e collaboration. But then the secretarial department sent Chelsey from out of nowhere to take charge of communications. Not only

en. He only held back because of the rumors g

t meant that Chelsey had been discarded. Jeremy

s in the face of such rebuke. Her dainty hands gripped the

er with a raised ey

lazy bumpkin to come around and ruin everything over a basic mistake.

d all too well just how important a company's reputation is. My family has an ongoing project with

s immense. Even Tatiana's way of handling these une

with the woman— someone like her really had n

more than qualified to run a project of her own. Her mentor had once told her, "C

he hadn't even completed a single pro

be hers, whom she knew would never be hers. Three years, and all

e moment Tatiana sauntered in. He watched a

. Did she not kno

ixed by the person who caused it in the first place. If they fail, then they naturally have to compensate f

ty-million investment

oul, she would never be able to c

ar, Chelsey was actually grate

her gaze to Jason, her eyes calm and steady.

helsey nodded once,

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