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Between You, Him, and Your Ex.

Chapter 3 The Conflict Escalates

Word Count: 793    |    Released on: 30/04/2024

deepens, while Maya's relationship w

every wave of emotion that hits her. Meanwhile, Maya's relationship with Dito slips further away. They rarely talk, and when they do, their conversations are filled

aches its peak, forcing them to confr

Maya can no longer ignore the unhappiness engulfing their relationship. She asks Dito to sit down with her, forcing them bot

in a whirlwind of emotion

the growing relationship with Rian. Every day, she's torn between two different worlds, not knowing which side to choose. Her emotions are raging, m

ng voice) "Dito, we n

ression) "What do you w

ourage) "Our relationship, Dito. We've b

Yes, I feel it too. But we can ov

, Dito. We've ignored our problems for too long. I fe

, Maya. We can work hard to fix it.

to. I think it's time for us to end th

of their relationship. Although filled with sadness, the decision to end their relationship is s

appy in her relationship with Dito. Although filled with fear and confusion, Maya knows that she has to fac

urage as she delivers her decision. Although Dito tries to salvage their relationship, Maya remains firm in

about their relationship. Although the separation is painful, Dito knows that it's the right step for

iness around her. Her heart feels heavy, filled with doubt and anxiety. She reflects on her relationship with Dito, disturbing question

nner struggle. He stares into emptiness, trying to understand his complex feelings. His heart is filled with a mix of

ther, trapped in a whirlwind of conflict and confusion. At the same time, amidst the pain and emptiness, there is a kind of

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