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Taking back her throne

Chapter 5 Anna Jenkins

Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 02/05/2024

Although in the past, Tracy and he agreed to an arranged marriage between their families and had no feelings for each other, they didn’t hate each other. Why was she so cold now? Even the things tha

d we do now?” Mar

andoned Liam. Where sh

o the living room sofa and sat down. “You go home! I w

oked at him as if to say, “Don't be such a


.” A servant came out and ga

ve the situation: "Your mistress to

he told me to ignore you. Betty

but laugh. When Liam glared


Betty could find to lend her. She tied her hair up neatly. Yesterday, while taking off her makeup, she looked at Tracy's face in the mirror and was

to the living room, she saw a man sleeping on the sofa, loosely covered with a thin blanket. The clear morning sunlight shone on his peaceful face, making

Anna walked out the door a

but the receiver never picked up. She had to make the third

ss who I am.” A

thing to do? Bye.” H

kly said, forgetting that her voice was now Tr

and curiosity. As expected of her good friend, he is

, Anna J

Go get a l

stupid than she thought, without even realizing her. “I'm your friend, Nicky. On your 25th b

ised inhale. It took a while for him to answer. “But… but I'm only

stand either. She replied: "If I said I time traveled back t

nna?” He exclaimed. “God! I k

e was about to cry. Anna asked in surprise: "W

you have been in a coma for several months now." Nic

Me?” Anna

and accidentally entered Tracy's body, then it is possible that

I mean Anna



ck used to be friends at the same university and later often talked to each other about some research.

Nicky,” Anna told the nurse

e young nurse looked An

. Sorry,

: "Sorry, Dr. Lawson doesn't have an appointment wit

ike this girl didn't like her. She shouldn't c

next to her, "Whoa, another young girl came all the

usly at the girl wearing heavy makeup

actress Tracy Thompson, right? Who doesn't know that you singers and actors speciali

caused so many troubles. From yesterday until now, wherever she went, she attract

limited to go around. The Lawson family is not as rich as the Turner family. If I wanted

mouth wide as if she wanted to re

p, happy laugh rang out, accompanied by ap

ng a white blouse who had just appeared. Befo

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1 Chapter 1 Invention  2 Chapter 2 Rose Harris3 Chapter 3 Coming Home4 Chapter 4 Apologizing5 Chapter 5 Anna Jenkins6 Chapter 6 Arguing7 Chapter 7 Female lead role8 Chapter 8 Unexpected gift  9 Chapter 9 Decision10 Chapter 10 Picking her up11 Chapter 11 Her first scene12 Chapter 12 Attacked13 Chapter 13 Come to my house14 Chapter 14 His true face15 Chapter 15 Want to join them 16 Chapter 16 Dare to touch my wife 17 Chapter 17 You love her18 Chapter 18 Angry cat19 Chapter 19 So you want to give birth to my child that much 20 Chapter 20 Strange feelings21 Chapter 21 You must be more flexible than your opponent22 Chapter 22 I found a way to help you get your body back23 Chapter 23 Cheers!24 Chapter 24 There is only one reason25 Chapter 25 I'm leaving26 Chapter 26 Game of love27 Chapter 27 You dare insult me 28 Chapter 28 Why did you rush into my arms 29 Chapter 29 I have decided to sell you at a high price30 Chapter 30 Pour the wine!31 Chapter 31 Disappeared32 Chapter 32 The Los Genright Mafia33 Chapter 33 The goddess from hell34 Chapter 34 I'm not crying35 Chapter 35 An Ugly Name36 Chapter 36 Her best friend37 Chapter 37 Father-in-law38 Chapter 38 ‘You are not Tracy.’39 Chapter 39 ‘Are you threatening me ’40 Chapter 40 From now on, she is alone41 Chapter 41 Boss, we have arrived42 Chapter 42 You are both hot-tempered and stupid43 Chapter 43 He should have been tougher44 Chapter 44 The plan45 Chapter 45 You'll know who when you see their faces46 Chapter 46 You only love her but are willing to go to bed with another girl 47 Chapter 47 Stay home with me48 Chapter 48 The one who angered Rose49 Chapter 49 His doubts50 Chapter 50 I didn't expect you to be this infatuated with me51 Chapter 51 You enjoyed that kiss too52 Chapter 52 Little Puppy53 Chapter 53 A Disgusting Mouse54 Chapter 54 You' ve just confirmed it a second time55 Chapter 55 Long time no see56 Chapter 56 The Innocent Man57 Chapter 57 He had loved Tracy for a long time