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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1373    |    Released on: 02/05/2024


he is off limits but I didn’t know that’s what you think of your best friend, a foolish person? I want a breakup, *fake sob* I don’t want to be a best friend to a person who thinks I’m foolish. *more fake sob*” Oh lord! Not again! I can’t with this man. *sigh* “Can you stop being a drama king for once? Why do I feel like I’m friends with a child every time we’re together.” “But you like it, hehe,” Josh said laughing “Why would I like a grown-up a** man acting like a drama king every time? I said sarcastically. “I know you do, you never admit it.” He replied with a knowing smile. “Whatever” I hissed The truth is that I did like Josh's playful side sometimes because every time I am around him he makes me forget all my worries and shortcomings. He has this effect on almost everyone he meets and he knows it. He likes to be himself because he believes that life is too short to be serious every time. The last time he said that I told him that humans are the ones that have short lives. He told me that even supernatural beings have short lives too, not every supernatural being dies of old age. Some die in wars, accidents, or in the hands of their enemies. I think that makes some sense, I didn’t tell him that though. Josh is a ray of sunshine, he shines on any and every gloomy person he meets. If the world had more people like him I’m sure the world would have been easier to live in. “Here are your drinks sir, enjoy.” The bartender said as he placed the drinks on the cocktail table and left. We took a sip from the glass and placed it back on the table. “Alpha, alpha! Look, they are coming!” “Yes, I can see them coming, stop squealing already.” Clair looked magnificent as she strode majestically toward us. I couldn’t see anyone else in the room, all I could see was her ethereal figure. Once again I was having that pull toward her, my thoughts were growing wilder and it was becoming so hard restraining myself from the thought of running toward her, carrying her out of the room, taking her to a private place, and showing her things I could do to her to make her scream my name in satisfaction. My gaze was fixed on her as she walked closer and closer to where I was seated. I think Josh noticed that I was almost drooling over her when he whispered to my ears to bring me back from my fantasies. “Put yourself together man, how wish I had a mirror with me so that you cou

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