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Boardroom And Bedroom

Chapter 4 The Cold Businessman (Amy's POV)

Word Count: 1185    |    Released on: 04/05/2024

ting my new life as a Westbrook. Their disgraceful behavior and contempt for me stoked an angry fire of determinati

eded to confront him about the ugliness I'd overheard and demand for some basic decency, if not af

her in a dizzying display of opulence. How do people even live in condition's like these? Th

from inside, one surprisingly recognizable as Jack's. Pressing my ear closer, I could make ou

morrow morning," Jack said in a brisk, all-commercial enterprise manner. "We can

responded deferentially. "I'll have my crew work

, let's move on dismissal procceding with the Wellington crew

employees who will be termina

ompany has no room for dead weight or emotional hand-wringing. Eithe

one indicated reluctant acceptance of the tough decree. There was a

all. Get it do

ne coldly terminating over one hundred person's livelihoods. Before I

lingering in the hall. "Oh! Forgive

ease. He returned it gratefully before hurrying off, leaving me by alone t

xurious leather-based furniture. Jack stood with his back to me, hands braced on a huge mahogany table. T

he way you usually spend your wedding nights?

with a deep inhale. "My responsibilitys to this company

nal coming from his lips, wit

tone level as I approached. "But even just for tonight...Don't you think we should take

d and indifferent. Up close, I could see how his chiseled features w

utside of short verbal exchanges. Now his eyes swept dismissively ov

might have been a ceremonial wedding because of our family's arrangemen

with their bluntness, rid

with out an oz. Of delicacy. "Nothing more. I do not have room in my li

thoughts, our marriage was merely a cold transaction devoid of any emotional substance or intimacy. His sole f

wave of dejection. "We're husband and wife now. Isn't there supposed

fulfill in this arrangement, nothing more. You come from your life situations and wishes...And I actual

iles, not even meeting my eyes as h

s of affection on my part, Amy. Our marriage is set mutual self-i

irritating air, Jack turned and strode from the room with

ging to approximately constructing an actual marriage no matter our circumstances were cut down to sour shreds. Jack made it c

e than a business transaction - an end for serving his all-consuming pursuit of wealth. I

d, harsh reality. As silly tears stung my eyes, my dashed desires s

n marrying Jack Westbrook, I had walked directly i

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1 Chapter 1 A modest dream (Amy's POV)2 Chapter 2 The Billionaire groom (Amy's POV)3 Chapter 3 No choice (Amy's POV)4 Chapter 4 The Cold Businessman (Amy's POV)5 Chapter 5 The Westbrook Mansion (Amy's POV)6 Chapter 6 Family Outrage (Amy's POV)7 Chapter 7 The other side of Jack (Amy's POV)8 Chapter 8 His dark past (Amy's POV)9 Chapter 9 Clashing values (Amy's POV 10 Chapter 10 His Ex Appears (Amy's POV)11 Chapter 11 Emily 's Obsession (Amy's POV)12 Chapter 12 Unveiling lies (Amy's POV)13 Chapter 13 Family divisions 14 Chapter 14 Faked scandal 15 Chapter 15 Standing united 16 Chapter 16 Pregnancy surprise 17 Chapter 17 Embracing new realities 18 Chapter 18 A Rift in Rank19 Chapter 19 Sienna's suspicion20 Chapter 20 Sabotage and suspicion 21 Chapter 21 An unexpected Alliance 22 Chapter 22 An unholy alliance 23 Chapter 23 Shaky Ground 24 Chapter 24 Fanning the Flames 25 Chapter 25 Hidden motives 26 Chapter 26 Body guard entanglement 27 Chapter 27 Simmering suspicious 28 Chapter 28 Under siege 29 Chapter 29 High stakes standoff 30 Chapter 30 Family divided 31 Chapter 31 The inside job 32 Chapter 32 Unlikely Alliance 33 Chapter 33 Daring Gambit 34 Chapter 34 The Mole Revealed 35 Chapter 35 Betrayal Runs Deep 36 Chapter 36 Shattered Alliances 37 Chapter 37 Mechanized Menace 38 Chapter 38 Artificial Vs Authentic 39 Chapter 39 Human perseverance 40 Chapter 40 Maternal Revelations41 Chapter 41 Sinister Roots42 Chapter 42 Evacuation firefight43 Chapter 43 Crashing down44 Chapter 44 Sacrifice play45 Chapter 45 On the run46 Chapter 46 Sanctuary47 Chapter 47 World collide48 Chapter 48 Desperate Escape49 Chapter 49 Unlikely refuge50 Chapter 50 Miracle of life51 Chapter 51 Fragile family52 Chapter 52 Daring Diversion53 Chapter 53 Surface Tention54 Chapter 54 Safe house Gambit55 Chapter 55 Licking wounds56 Chapter 56 Fragile bonding57 Chapter 57 Gathering storm58 Chapter 58 Extreme measures59 Chapter 59 Dangerous gamble60 Chapter 60 Desperate defense61 Chapter 61 A loyal guard's sacrifice62 Chapter 62 The Reckoning63 Chapter 63 Augment's Fall64 Chapter 64 Manhunt 's end65 Chapter 65 Home now66 Chapter 66 Helps hands67 Chapter 67 Worlds collide68 Chapter 68 Wind of change69 Chapter 69 Distance Growing70 Chapter 70 Surprise encounter71 Chapter 71 Reminiscing72 Chapter 72 Sneaking around73 Chapter 73 A mother's ultimatum74 Chapter 74 Moment of weakness75 Chapter 75 What have I done 76 Chapter 76 Guilty conscience77 Chapter 77 Devil's bargain78 Chapter 78 Desperate measures79 Chapter 79 Secret out80 Chapter 80 Shattered