Unveiling the Alpha's Curse: Alexander's Love
without being completely blinded by the reality was that his remarks had been motivated by a lack of bravery. "My hands were tied, therefore I was powerless to assist you at that time. To put it another way, I was compelled to remain silent due to my obligations. Things weren't possible at the moment, so even though I wanted to help you, I couldn't." "I know saying all of these to you now may seem unreasonable to you, and it's obvious for you to doubt my intentions," he said as I heard his footsteps approach. I can see why you wouldn't believe me when I say this, but trust me.I just wanted to make sure you were safe because, as you and I both know, Alpha has changed, but that hasn't changed the past he had or the lives he destroyed. Even though some of his enemies have turned into friends, they still want to harm him and everyone who is close to him. My only goal was to make sure you were secure." My body finally gave me permission to turn around at this point. A glint came into his eyes and a thought crossed his face, but I could not interpret it because he was too quick to erase everything from his face, and he erased everything so perfectly that no one could have possibly noticed a trace of it. The basic minimum of how I felt would have been stated if I had said I was perplexed. I did know exactly what he wanted, and I also knew how I was supposed to respond to it. Take his advice and turn away? Alternatively, pose the queries that were arising in my mind with each statement he spoke. Maybe going with option number two was a smart move. When was the last time leaving a situation beneficial? "Why? Why do you wish to protect me? And what is the point of telling me all of this now, I questioned, forcing back the sigh that was about to escape my lips. I've hardly spoken to you at all. Actually, though, we have never really spoken. You were merely a bystander, and to be completely honest, I never anticipated anything from you-not even a favour or a small amount of assistance. As of right now, you owe me nothing and are under no obligation to assist me in any way or to take responsibility for my safety. Since our paths diverge, we hardly know one another other than as strangers. Then, why?" It was a problem to handle at a later time, but for now, the problem in front of me required more attention to be solved, and regrettably, I was unintentionally doing my very worst job at it. I had no idea why my palms were becoming all clammy and my respiration was racing. He went silent for a good few seconds, as if he was trying to understand the inquiries and assertions I was making from the bottom of my heart. It remained a mystery whether or not he found the puzzle difficult to solve, but he might know the answers that would fit in and finish it. Would he, however, decide to be truthful? Or perhaps he was at a loss for words? "I can't really explain it, Anna," He breathed a sigh of relief, briefly validating my second supposition, but that wasn't all. It's only that I don't want you to experience anything more severe because I have witnessed your suffering. I'm not a heartless man or a devoted servant who would wreck another person's life in order to win over his boss. I would be ecstatic to save even one person from someone's horrible intentions or the harsh ways of this world, even if it meant sacrificing my entire life. I don't want to see people suffer or lives being destroyed." "So, pity? Is that all there is to it? My mouth fell open to ask the question, resentment trying to escape. Do you really believe that I need your compassion to win this race? You b