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The Alpha's Untamed Heart: Beast Within

Chapter 4 Whispers of the Past

Word Count: 1460    |    Released on: 07/05/2024

vibrant atmosphere of the Moonwood Pack had been replaced by a somber mood. Whispers of the attack a

her eyes gleaming with a newfound determination. "Anya," she anno

ded in her chest.

t declared, a mischievous glint in her eye

pect of uncovering the pack's secrets was exhilarating, yet the thought of na

" She reached into a pouch hanging from her belt and retrieved a worn leather-bound book. "This is a guide, of

re her eyes, yet a strange familiarity tugged at her memory. Focusing intently, she dec

his was going to be hard

riddles are based on the pack's history and traditions. With

vegetation, led them through dense woods and across a treacherous ravine. A

chtower stood perched atop a rocky cliff, its once-proud form now a crumbling silhouette against th

whispered, an awestruck re

ack's strength, a place of vigilance and knowledge.

eather-bound book tighter and approached the massive oak door that served as the Watchtower'

on. "It reads: 'Only those with a pur

mind. Was she truly worthy of entering this sacred place? Before she

crets to those who deserve them." With a wink, she stepped ba

he worn book in her hand. Remembering the first riddle, she spoke clearly.

ted, revealing a narrow passage bathed in an eerie darkness. Anya's heart pound

ghtly in her hand. The heavy oak door slammed shut behind her, plunging her into an inky blackne

hand. The faded script seemed to come alive, the words rearranging themselves to form a crude map. A single line snaked

he darkness plaguing the pack? With renewed determination, she followed the pa

y sound was the scritch-scratch of her boots on the crumbling stone floor. Each creak and groan of the a

ows, illuminating a room filled with towering bookshelves stacked with leather-bound tomes. In the center of the room

ck's history, a treasure trove of forgotten knowledge. Her gaze swept across the room, taking in

c symbols on the map seemed to come alive, aligning themselves with the glowing symbols etched on th

ndant, the prophecy of the shadow wolf – so many possibilities swirled i

dant?" she asked, her voice ech

eaving a single image hovering in the air – a shadowy figure shrouded in a

he spun around, searching for the source of the disturbance. There, in a shadowy corner, a single book lay

s, she picked up the book and carefully turned the brittle pages. The text, written in an archaic script

Anya's veins. The prophecy spoke of a human vessel, a condu

shirt. The warmth it emanated felt different now, almost menacing. Terror flooded her mind. Cou

washed over her, and the vast chamber began to spin. Anya stumbled backward, her b

ough the chamber, firm yet c

face. Anya opened her mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. All she coul

figure. Anya knew she couldn't hide the truth any longer. Taking a deep breath, she poured her he

. When Anya finished, a long silence filled the chamber. F

. "More than just a vessel of darkness. It als

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