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The Villain

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 3552    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

a blue blood is much longer than that of a commoner. In my old world it was short. And it's up to you if the party is too grand. But

end, there will also be from various Kingdom

d to leave me when

has prepared everything w

ocrats and the Nobles from the Capitol will attend. Even the Kings and Queen from the other Kingdom ... And the other nobles from different Empire. Wouldn't that, there would al

d out who the people are who will cause the

est scope. We almost have some resources. Especially mines. We have silvers, bronze, gold but we still have the highest value thing that is strained and wants to take from us: rare a

I also have the ability to fight the blood that sticks in my system. To protect Cyan no matter what happens. I would defini

ay and I can meet those people. I have to test, but the only problem is ... Whatever I do to practice my precognit

inest red silk robe with expensive animal fur. Then below of that, he's also wearing an elegant gold-work thread white tunic as his primary dress with

immediately greeted by the lo

ready?" Vencel

ready, dear emperor.

e their faces were serious, it was replaced by a smile. There was a look on their face

ps. "You have to be patient with your father and I'm no

t, all right, I'll just smile. I'm pretty happy

if they want to cry without knowing how they look now. Venc

ublic how graceful the princess is."

Certainly many of our guests want to see the first princess

ing more. He turned to his children who were still carrying me.

erstood what it meant. Wait, what's go

I rolled my eyes around. I wonder why the carpenters are already lined up in this hallway. Behind us are the princes wi

mazement at the size. There were two knights standing on either

." Vencel's se

y! The Dear Emperor and the Dear Princes ...

ghtly open. Maybe it's because of anticipation and curiousity what's the i

y are from the nobility. They are also wearing expensive accessories. Vencel and my siblings started walking again. At the same time the guests bowed and they paid tribute to the arrival of the

rrowed because a priest --- no, it looked like the Archb

hbishop was in front of us. Like

e Imperial family. I thought that was over. Even if they

There were two butlers standing on either side of the door to the balcony as if waiting for our

genuine smile and laughs within their voices. It was as if they were happy when I was born into this world. I wanted to know why. It's be

Vencel whispered in my ear. "They're happy be

me even if they know I come from this family? This royal family were tyrant and merciless when it c

piness in the crowd. They even throw

hey loved you, my princes

nd I raised one hand, not perfect but I was still able to wave at them. T

I only have expectations because I can rest in my room but I can't. I almost forgot that I had something importa

t they are really rich. They brought only jewelry, rare items and expensive clothes for me. Because I can't receive directly from them, o

thing suspicious. But I won't let my guard down. You may be aware, they a

Calevi from the Ki

ut the room, as if they could not believe what they

hat caught my attention was his dark ash blonde hair, and his ocean blue e

he Eryndor family. Let me introduce myself, I'm Calevi Levanadel from the Severassi King

shifted my gaze to my siblings who now seem to be holding back for reasons I don't know. But I only kno

egacies from our ancestors. The lucky bracelet made of one of our p

that that precious stone is beautiful. It loo

h jewelry would be presented to me. The rest of them couldn't believe it either because suc

e prince of Severassi brought a very important ...

ventually I just smiled. Okay, I feel I sh

r boy. Like Prince Kalevi of Serevassi, his attire was also pompous. But I feel the dominance o

e Dilston from the

. That's strong but it looks like he's

." he looked straight at me, a smile flashing on his lips. I was suddenly horrified by that smile! "I am Prince Dilston Albelin, from the Oloisean kingdom of the Eas

his absence from this celebration. All right, we want to see the gift you have prepared for my only

front of us. It's a shiny ruby ​​jewel broo

ings were dark. The people around were a bit alarmed. So did Vencel and my siblings.

Oloisean ?!" strong question of

opened my mouth. My eyes also glaze over at what I see now. Even in my old world

oked at me with a frown. "Uh! Uh!" at on

aw the stars on the ceiling. It's a planetarium! Even then constellations. What I jus

oday of the members of the Maharlika. I he

iet but only for me. I couldn't stop myself from clapping and screaming. Because of that, the gue

Dilston." formal language of the Emperor to the Prince o

again. "I'm glad the d

ntries. But I think I missed something. I've been waiting for a while but he never showed up. Yeah, right

on of showing up, Your Majesty.

ncel agrees that his voice is also weak. "I w

eir enemy? Is that where the man I see in my precognition skills comes from? The man who strangled Ven

I want to thank you for attending this very important day for the Empire especi

like there were more people when they were scattered on the dance floor. They have their own partners. I couldn't help but smile a

o brothers Eomund and Cederic who were now in front

nd third prince?" its

the princess?"

watching me. Wait, don't tell me will you let me dance in this mo

denly called to

wed himself slightly so he could h

ed?" he asked seriously, unable to take hi

, he was still rubbing his chin. "I'll take

ctually handed me over t

me. It was as if he was waiting for this opportunity! Don't you say you too, Raegan?

s he carried me. Eomund and Cederic fol

the imagination that you have a partner but clothes? That's it! That's what Raegan d

uld feel him taking care of me. Because I'm still dangerous about it. Even so, I didn't feel any

tale. I will also experience this thing even if I had

n, our dear princess so we can dance you well." he smiled then he touch

n older brother Raegan did that thing a

w many times you step on my foot,

in. Hahaha!" my laugh

away from the first prince, I needed him to escape even th

umble!" he still disobeyed me

golden throne. I didn't hesitate to approach him even though

he said laughing, admitting

entally step on brother Raegan's feet while dancing. I'm

time to rehearse. I hope you enjoy the celebration we have prep

ighter. "Thank

was unaware that I

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