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Melting Hearts- Hate to Love You

Chapter 2 Fire

Word Count: 2155    |    Released on: 17/05/2024


the new boy who was brought in today. They got his name and age from hi

her mind once but she shook off the thought because for that she'

m her family and if he ever knew that she was living alone in a diffe

ed crying. She walked to the door unwillingly but T

said in his cute baby voice

force me to shift here permanently ?” She

ll be here in an hour.” Agatha's voice came in a

ids. All the kids were inside the orphanage, having evening snacks and watching TV shows

nd when she saw smoke coming out from the gap below the closed door. Lantern lights hanging a

ing in the sky and fear engulfed

to open it but as she touched the knob,

Anyone there? Please open the door

from there was not possible. There was no way to walk around the building to reach the front door b

d in time, soon the plants and trees would cat

he could but she wasn't sure anyone could hear h

rs streamed down Sheena's fa

told him softly and put his head on her shoulder to protec

ler,” she muttered while looking up wi

oking at someone standing at the door. She couldn't see the face and becau

her and she rushed to him

d and rushed ba

t to make it wet and then went to the m

” she said and t

go.” He grabbed Sheena's wrist a

Just go! Firefighte

the fire had started blasting out from the windows an

an away with a crying Tyler who was clutching

while standing near the door, 4 steps above the

ight ankle. She fell on the ground face first and a scre

stairs in a position that it cou

ered, looking at the starless night

Get up.

the same man standing there, stre

ed and squinted her eyes

me here or I'll hav

ank you for saving Tyler,” she said as more pai

d carefully crossing the burning log and bent down be

th her eyes half closed as she couldn

e? Look around yourself.

idal style before c

but Sheena couldn't point

e? She thought and her hear

know who I a

oughing but the man didn't stop. She rubbed her eyes and opened them to look around and

e man turned her away from the


kept walking

retched her hand to his left arm, t

re with bare hands? Just stay s

oved her gaze to his face and s

ut me down, Christian,” she shou

kept walking. Sheena was about to say more when

ened his hold around her and she gritted her teeth looking at him. Christ

mething? She twisted her

on formal jacket over a black tank top and maroon pencil skirt rus

voice, “Someone get

ked at her when she heard the siren o

” she whispered to herself and Christian

d Christian was

an handle myself. Just put me down,” she said in an an

jacket was alrea

ht he'd argue, he

,” he said and abruptly p

creamed, finding something to hold on to but there

an grabbed her hand and pulled her

?” he asked with a smirk

a chair and Sheena sighed in relief as Christian finall

re you

at are y

an remained unaffected. He gently took Sheena's h

stian said with a fain

lp you,” she said while batting her eye

ehaviour irr

at Amelia when she

er?” she shouted while looking a

ian were, Sheena was about to take him

ristian talked to Tyler softly and put Tyler's head on his shoulder while patting h

t with Shaila and now you too. I think you people have some connection with him,” Agatha said with

one I told you about earlier today. The businessman, coming

mpletely destroyed. For what will

I'll still help,” Christian sai

where you can keep these children temporarily?” he asked and

her head

't want to be separated except for being adopted. They like it her

k about something and sp

or sometime. It's huge enough to accommodate everyone. I'll make t

with her hands and her

That'll be so good. Will

ou can stay at my mansion and the

hecked Sheena's ankle and said she had a sprain and needed bed res

a? You can't even walk

a cab. Do

on and it'll start once the police finish checking the place,” Christian sai

Shaila,” Agatha asked him gently, he looked a

nd Christian so he took him back.


hristian's neck and stretc

ady to leave both of you,” Agatha said wit

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