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Love in the boardroom.

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1558    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

covered Xander's hidden agenda for her company, and it was worse than she had imagined. He had b

f his deception. How could he do this to her? Didn't he know t

sistant, walked into the room. "Sophia, I need to talk to

narrowed. "What is it, Rach

she feared being overheard. "It's about Xander," she said

espite herself. "What is it?" s

as a dark past, Sophia. One that he keeps hidden fro

at would change everything. A secret that would explain Xa

e a whisper. "He was part of a company that was involved in some illegal activities, and

d this information. She had had no id

ll me?" she asked, fe

of losing you. He's been hurt before,

d that Xander's actions were not just driven by greed and a

ew that she couldn't just forgive and forget. Her company

independence. She knew that she couldn't let him acquire her

had to make a choice. A choice that would determine the futur

. She would confront Xander and demand answers. She w

rength that she had never felt before. She was ready to face whatever came

. She was determined to confront him about his plans for her compan

, a hint of surprise in his ey

e firm. "I know all about your plans to acquire

reading across his face. "Ah, Sophia. You're so

ms crossed. "I know you've been using me to get to my

ophia saw a glimmer of something else in his

voice softening. "Just listen t

oment. But then she remembered the documents s

oing to listen to you. And I'm not going to let yo

a glimmer of anger in his eyes. But then, his mask slipped back i

you want it, then so be it. But know this: I will not give up

locked onto hers. She knew that she had just made a pow

that she had done the right thing. She had stood up for herself an

elief wash over her. She had finally stood up for herself an

a piece of paper on Xander's desk. It wa

a contract for the acquisition of her company, and it

x do this to her? She thought they were partners, but no

d she saw that it was ironclad. There

r. She had thought she had won, but now

g helpless and alone, Soph

mbling. "I didn't mean to betray you. Xander pro

ng with anger. "You sold me out for money

w it was wrong, Sophia. But I was desperate. And

e of me? He's been using me all along. An

side her. She wasn't going to let Xander and Alex get away wi

ew she had to act fast, before Xander and Alex could finalize

ink of a solution, Sophia's phon

ontract, and I think I've found a l

beat. "What is it?" she

claimed that your company was in financial trouble, but I've done some diggin

implications. "That means the contract is

on and get the contract thrown out. But we need to ac

do. "Let's do it," she said, her voice firm. "Let

cquisition. Sophia felt a sense of determination and hope that she hadn

r. She was taking back control of her life and her company, and she was g

eady to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She was going to

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