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Sierra's Nightmare


Word Count: 4705    |    Released on: 16/05/2024

od. Clara wake u

ve a long bath and a good shit because my

u're one hell of a being. Let's

ll figure it out, but going to the hotel is a dangerous decision

re at each other frig

thanked you but it okay. We don't mind spendi

ay from here so just drive straight down and

regrets this trusting a total stran


the back. I'll help you Clara sai

Wow you didn't tell me

ra stare at eac

son Jake and Jake meet my frien

i nice to

're not from here right? What brings

and amazing town or should

serted town abandoned for vampires and mortal eating psychopaths to dwell in, where the hell do you come from he said angrily didn't yo

om! What's going on?

tell how handful a sixteen years old boy c

re? And what does he mean

about Hannah but first let's settled

d confusion as the

d their bath and se

ngry I'm making roasted

r in her ear]; be careful, don't chew the

that's enough,

and smiled at

ped him with the dishes while Clara and Jake wer


what's goi

why are

; for th

and who's connected with the government won't show up in Sierra with a thirteen years old girl cl

ach part of the gates but you choose to use the forests to get here so you wouldn't get caught by

ll to duty for but he told me not to worry that he'll be back only for them to inform me in two weeks that my Michael died in a call of duty. I asked what happened no one could speak up telling me he died in honor and he'll be remembered those were the only words I was told. I joined the media to know what going on even make it through

e years with them but now here I am with nothing and no one. worst is that they don't even know I'm still alive, they thought I died with the crew and I don't even know if my parents are still alive out there. I couldn't go back he sobbed.. I couldn't face my w

o me why now? I remember finding the clues on my desk and I won

ppened ah I tried making it through to you but before we knew what's going on they put up walls and separated Sierra from the rest of the world so that they won't panicked of what was about to come. You see I had to spend nights in the woods to get through and make it to Cyra to find you but unfortunately I couldn't get through because the armies were on full patrol so I figure that If I can't get to, I can get someone to get through to you. The

as the shield to get through would be easy because they'd think we're here for holidays. But w

nce they can't make it through the gates of Cyra, because your government refuses to open the gates till they know what's going on. But it too late becaus

not leaving till I know what the

s coming from outside t

; Mom!!!... mom

raight to his room and th

ing]; what's h

ows kneel down and crawl with

e room where th

ed; they're closing in on us he said frightened... soon there won't be enough arms and weapons to save us all since we've been cut off from the res

e here with the call of duty. Have you wondered why you spent 10 hours on the roads when you could've gotten here in 4 hours using

he talking about?

can you just shut

you're quiet, I can't fathom the thought of me being eaten alive by my own mother and sister you know other people's family which this God forsaken governments claimed to be dead but yet they're alive reaping the flesh out of us argh...... I'm tired of it

kes mom, I know you too well mom because everything Jake said is true. Why didn't we u

d through walls for answers, work hard and make it through the government to know what happened? Why my husband came here and couldn't make it through to us... I'm sor

ey let you through here right. They t

.. I'm sorry

on in mind, how you're suffering mom. I'm your shoulder to lean on we could have find the answers you seek together rather you

e morning I'll let you know what's

h couldn't sleep nor did Clara for they w


e Jake was having coffee because he woke up with a nasty hea

orning, did you

]; nah`.. I co

ow, let's eat and t

good mo

.. morning, and

to this morning, can you


ressure. I'll just have

to do the dishes and Jake walked in

ave all day, so y

ry good looking with his greenish eyes and brown hair, he had a long face that soothe his shoulders for he ha

k lots of pictures for remembrance as she thought'. then they chatted for hours an

aring at he

y are you s

e you're crazy

he tapped him on the shoulder. You can say I

ly? Are you seriously g

ake me to your favorite spot' hmmm the

u love the beach becaus

ingly]; yeah

ew a bunch of flowers on her

er him to fight back as

on and before I could thought of giving it a chance to get closer and swam I'll elope back to my mom's direction and scream. Jake smiled yeah I could relate', are you scared of the waters too she asked? No he replied he grabbed her and pull her close as the waves rushed towards their directions she held him tight and said to herself I'm done being afraid of the waves', but a it got closer she screamed and jumped up as she tripped Jake he fell on his back and she balanced off and fell right on top of him, she glued her eyes to his as the thought of heading for his lips came rushing on her tiny head an image of being

nd they're still out chatting and makin

hey took over Sierra demanding the land and it riches so we're sent to claim it back as we're told. Not knowing there was more to what was told; we came here to rescue the people and redeem the land but unfortunately they'd built an hospital or human harboring bodies factory i

s weren't going to back down easily so finally we conquered. But we're wrong because we thought we did when they finally got the soldiers of the Crim to retreat they send in an air strike on this building but then they didn't know that they just unleashed tragedy upon the face of Sierra,

eparated we tried but only few survived, Michael got bitten and he gave me the photo and begged me to find you and get you off Cyra before this tragedy gets their.

ou this the government know this is a war they can't win unless Sierra is brought to ashes and they're

o please I beg you leave now

t out of a Sierra with Cla

n't believe this, this is hard to take in pl

mself so I can escape. The infection had already spread on his legs and he knew he won't make it through the night

that's not true Michael told me he was coming back I

ry Michael is gone get your dau

t of the walls they heard screaming, everybody running to and fro'. Mothers with their babies, some with their familie


happening! James

e, let's find them a

y make it through to the streets on their blocks and he

the deserted city of Sierra with flames of smoke in every corner they head for the gates and got out, they drove to the forests as they're being chased by the zombies they drove off. Every where was flooded with the pool of blood and bodies they

station down there quick let's find s

at looks like it was the sheriffs office so they close


t back down so he handed the wheels to Jake and told him " for 20min if I don't show up keep on driving till you get to the gates okay" Jake shook his head in disagreement and his dad hugged him and patted his head telling him " be strong, I love you and Clara needs you but I have to go find Hannah please I'll be back" and so he make a run for the woods screaming Hannah's name till he heard her screaming and he ran towards the direction luckily he found her trapped in the middle with the pack of zombies surrounded her. James thought of distracting and pulling the attention towards him so Hannah could make a run but as soon he screamed which was a crazy idea and gave Hannah a head sign to run she tripped over and sprain her ankle, which drew the zombies attention from James to Hannah but then James ran towards Hannah he tried lifting her so she could hop on with him and run unfortunately the pack of zombies weren't the only one chasing after them. It was as if the Sierra has been brought down countless bodies in dangerous forms of animals were heading to their direction as the people were also running towards Cyra's direction, they fought hard and ran but couldn't go

nt showed up " I know my dad he's an accurate man if he say 20min he meant it but don't you see it almost an hour they're not here he cried out please let's get out of here Jake said"

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