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Seducing Mr. Werewolf

Seducing Mr. Werewolf


Chapter 1 Young bachelor

Word Count: 2566    |    Released on: 15/05/2024

n central Paris after a very exciting night with the ladies, he was the charmer of Paris as some called him, h

o escape death is a feat only few can do and you should be happy and thank God for his infinite grace" the doctor said, the old man though was saying something meaningful from his perspective but to Damian it didn't satisfy him at all. The mob had finally arrived at the square during that time, and as we all know the French had a reputation of discarding the bad with utmost rage and brutality. The mob proceeded in burning the woman to stake, at that time the doctor checked up on Damians arm again noting this time It was surprisingly completely healed, Damian waking up from his bed dropping the paper that was still In his possession and walked out into the mob right to the middle were the monster woman was being burnt. Immediately as he face came into the zone of what is supposed to be the woman field of vision the woman rose to live in flames and pointed at him saying in a very horrific manner " You are next, it's never our fault" , everybody turned to look at the young lad but he just shrugged it off and left home. After what seemed like a shorter walk home, Damian felt different. He felt strangely more energetic than ever before. He felt stronger or should I say stronger but he thought they were effects of the drugs he had been given by the doctor and went straight to bed and slept off. Fast forward to night time, the moon was whole and brighter than ever and it's light Shawn through the open window of his room falling directly on his bed with him still dozed off in it, and his body began to turn and churn, break, twist and bend, lo and behold he turned into one, he had turned into a werewolf going out causing havoc for that night. It was morning already Damian woke up in an air of confusion, he was stark naked and the clothes he wore to sleep were torn to shreds though still in confusion, he cleaned himself up, got new clothes and went out to see the day's papers. As he went out he noticed everyone's eyes were on him , he was looked upon like an outcast, he got to the newspaper stand trying to buy one but the vendor wouldn't sell to him and he increasingly noticed the townspeople were getting closer as to corner him but he thought of it as the newspapers urgency or interestingness, anyways as the vendor wouldn't sell to him he left seeing a used one on the floor and picking it up, " countless dead in manners more gruesome than the last with one feared suspect another wolf monster with all fingers pointing at the lone survivor of the last monster Damian Luis '' the paper read. Damian started backing up slowly and slowly figuring out what was going on expecting to be caught by the people so he had to run for his life but where to, as he backed up he was also being still cornered by the people and as a man in his normal senses would do he started running but some of the villagers who tried catching up with him were then out run by him, even he was surprised at how fast his legs could carry him and when some of the towns people wanted to tackle him from the front he dispersed with a swift blow of immense force and he finally managed to escape running and running till he was lost to the horizon. While running he was headed west to Great Britain, he had run all day till it was night, he had arrived at a farm In a small village near the coast of France. Sleeping there in one of the farms sheds for most of the rainy night until he couldn't sleep anymore and just stayed up wondering of what he had become at a point he was amused and could only imagine what extent his powers could reach but then the thought of Magret swept through his mind and to that he could only think to himself " I've become the same thing that took you away from me" and so he continued the rest of his night. It was dawn already as indicated by the chickens in the farm, Damian then continued his journey to Britain, he had arrived at the docks and boarded a ship headed north west to Ireland in a disguise and under the new name of John Wilson because as luck would have it he also had a touch of English in him. The journey went on with no hassle on deck and perfect weather conditions where he was dropped off at London, where he spent many years of his life as the British pioneer John Wilson movi

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