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Sad Dawn

Chapter 6 (6)

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 16/05/2024

amless, but with the height difference being quite large, even though Duong Hinh Duyet raised her head and stood on her tiptoes, she still couldn't kiss his lips. The kiss was only pa

and immediately reassured her: "Don't worry, it's my own house, not the Pho family." "When you are ready or have your consent, I will take you back to the main house to meet your parents." Deputy Dich Than continued. "Thank you." The car drove quickly on the road, from the airport to his villa it took nearly an hour to arrive. The car stopped at an extremely luxurious villa, built with extremely modern architecture. The outside space is planted with many trees and flowers, creating a cool feeling for the house. "Let's go home." "Yes." Pho Dich Than held her hand in one hand and carried her suitcase inside with the other hand. The interior of the house is also decorated quite pleasingly by its owner. This is Pho Dich Than's private home. Whenever he is tired and needs a quiet space, he will come here. There is no one working here, everything in this house is done by Pho Dich Than, including cleaning the house. He doesn't want anyone to disturb his life here and of course Duong Hinh Duyet is the only exception because she is the future female owner of this house. Pho Dich Than took the furniture upstairs to store it while Duong Hinh Duyet took a walk around the house. Duong Hinh Duyet saw that he had changed out of his suit and replaced it with a simpler, more comfortable outfit, so he spoke up: "Are you staying here tonight?" "Um." Duong Hinh Duyet pointed at himself and said with a voice full of doubt: "With you?" "This house has only you and me. If I'm not with you, then who will I be with?" "But there's nothing for you here." "You probably won't be bad wearing my clothes." Deputy Dich Than replied. "Are you crazy." "Scolding people again. Why didn't you know that my little mouth liked to scold people like that before? "Now you know, there's still time to regret it." Pho Dich Than's face was gray: "What do you regret?" "I'm not talking to you. I always make my own decisions and never ask for your opinion." Pho Dich Than immediately approached her, pulled her into his arms, his tone was extremely pampering: "Okay, don't be angry anymore. I'll have someone bring the things to you tomorrow,

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