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A Culinary Romance

A Culinary Romance

Author: SweetDiya

Chapter 1 Hostile Awakening

Word Count: 911    |    Released on: 17/05/2024

ing, she buried her face deeper into her pillow, trying to escape the relentless intrusio

! You need to make breakfa

ady heavy with the weight of her stepmother's scorn. With a resigned sigh, she s

r lips curled in disdain. "About time you woke up, useless freeloader.

r silence as she shuffled past her stepmother and into the cramped kitchen. T

er's voice continued to echo in her ears, each w

sion, we'd have no use for you at all. And don't even think about chasing after those

on and anguish into the sizzling pan before her. She dared not speak, k

rade echoed in the cramped kitchen. The sharp words cut t

id I not do my part to raise you when you were a minor? N

ting Li Yan with guilt and shame. She clenched her fists, willing hersel

rely above a whisper, yet laced with determination. "I

se. "Your best? Ha! Your best isn't good enough. You've been mooching

, to unleash the pent-up frustration and anger that threatened to consume he

inued to prepare breakfast. Each chop of the knife, each stir of the spoon, became a silent act

art. Despite the darkness that surrounded her, she clung to the belief that one day, sh

nally stirred Li Yan's father, Mr. Chen, from his slumber. With a gruff

s wife by her given name. "How long will you keep yelling?

, casting a tired glance at Li Yan. "Li Yan, bring me

laced a steaming cup of herbal tea before her father. "Dad, you k

ern. He took the cup in his hands, nodding in acknowledgment. In that simple excha

st that Li Yan had hurriedly prepared. Though inwardly impressed by Li Yan's cooking prowess,

hints of basil, garlic, and tomatoes mingling together in perfect harmony. Despite herself, she fou

niable truth-that Li Yan's cooking surpassed her own by leagues. And as the meal came to an end, Mrs. Zhang pushed as

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