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Her protector indepthted to the mafia boss

Chapter 5 Temper pov

Word Count: 1600    |    Released on: 22/05/2024

Considering his demeanor and his reaction when I suggested that h

s treat him on a shopping trip because he does such a wonderful job of keeping my daughter safe. What on earth is he looking for this time? If he ever wants to live, he needs to give up on my daughter's case; if not, I will find his mother a

ecame my daughter's bodyguard, he did not answer. He hasn't done this before.

s. It now occurred to me that Mark was secretly planning to go rescue Tiffany e

lationship with my daughter? I seriously doubt that. I mean, Mark is old enough to differentiate business from emotions. I know She sees him

, I was startled by a loud knock on the door. I was not even looking forwar

covering I had orchestrated Tiffany's kidnapping. I re

are the person away while holding the pistol. I

domestic staff f

d me for the first time. I picked no offense regardless. I do not

day to waste. I was doing something essential before y

ou. It is about your daughter T

s tracks when I realized someone had obtained some sensitive information about him. It facilitates my job

e in,

into the drawer. Everyone knew how commanding I was, but I di


size of my bedroom. What could I expect from a wealthy billionaire like

ost distinguished guests, given th

a hen soaked by the rain. His voice was so loud

ou here? You should have awaited my r

self-control and stability. Who would not be drawn to the mighty Temper? His voice exudes fear. At the

have like a dummy. I will also terminate your employment without pay. Y

ad to act fast. Temper dislikes recounting his wor

y are seeing each other." It wa

ustified. Who would not feel that way after learning that their

nds behind his jaw, thinking. I was not sure what his thoughts w

was the victim. Temper punched me with all of his strength. I skimmed my face and discovered a f

shed I had never come to speak about it. I considered keeping it to myself, but I decided to

ot evi

ips are too heavy to be moved. I still

them?" He

ediately edged backward after passing the phone to him to feed his eyes. Once bitten, twice shy. I

aze to mine. He did this several times. I felt h

ake your

ting closer to him is equivalent to a dea

sk. He appeared composed yet dangerous. I

n going on, and why ar

een a wh

snt sure if it will keep happening. I

the last person I expected to engage in such

his video do you have?, and how did you get them? .Tiffany is

e ever heard. Why would Mark do such a thing? He w

missing, and he is this calm? You could contact the cops, and

t the cops when

was extremely

o find his daughter. I am neither a cop nor a private investigator. Perhaps I made a big

g about his lethal move. He returned to his seat and pulled out his drawer.

and wanted to flee, but his comm


,now you have seen a gun. I think you will be best for

I could feel my soul departing from my body. This is wh

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