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A Surge of Green


Word Count: 1924    |    Released on: 29/05/2024

e for a weekend, but I’m reminded after a moment of groggy disorientation that it’s not a weekend. The first day of school was yesterday. And I made a m

h sight of something that’s o

But no, then the statuesque man moves, his sandy-brown hair in a crew-cut, dark red eyes glowing like embers of a dying fire and

t the sight of my ex-shadow. Memories of last year, before I Bloomed, when I’d wake up to similar sights are

butterflies quickly turn to annoyance. I haven’t seen Mikyle in seven

nts of yesterday have solidified in my head, not slamming through me the way they used to when I blacked out, but slithering and cold. Almost like I hadn’t been there while my friend lay in my arms and bled out. Or that I att

p. Mikyle’s my Sponsor, not like an AA sponsor who’s supposed to keep me on the metaphorical wagon,

ing crest and several embossed black stars are centered on the front. “I’m here to transport you.” He passes me the envelope. I run my normal

al wording and the weird letter. Until I read the first li


n? Mina and Rege William for a hearing due to your recent activities as an unregistered member o



t tries to slow. The typhoon of mixed emotions rising i

mpires to a room full of humans. I may not be one-hundred-percent in the loop about the rules of the supernatural world, but even I know that what transpired was a big no-no. I swallow against the dryness in my mouth, wondering what’s in st

ilence. Mikyle, though my Sponsor, was pretty adamant about his feelings towards me last year and made it clear he didn’t want to end my lif

as quickly as it comes, the slight pressure of his hand on my bones lifts and his smile is back with blinding spe

nd run my hands through my loose hair. The thick curls are slightly

let Mina dress you.” He mutters, looking distastefully at the pile of unwashed clothes I have in the corner of the room. I

efore, if I recall correctly…” I grumble as I pass

past him, ignoring the burning heat and shivering thrills zinging through me. “Do plan for a few ‘nice’ outfits! You’ll be meeting the entire Royal Court at the palace

ball gown or done up in a particularly fancy way. She made sure to keep our conversation towards the casual, insisting I call her Mina and

, my wardrobe’s changed a little. I’m now the proud owner of a few blazers, mostly for interviews, and some matching slacks -

small black duffle that’s seen one-too-many uses. Mikyle stays silen

sleek dark red car siting in the driveway. I open my mouth to ask him when he had the time to talk to Mom, but he seems to anticip

im as I buckle my seatbelt an

y before continuing. “Hale recalled me from an assignment to keep tabs on you while they…

g more than just Darine and Blue. Mikyle hesitate

mories wiped of the event and

sk slowly, not l

ms to have a hard time with memory wipes.” Mikyle tells me, reph

let this go. Darine’s not only been in danger from me, but apparently been around Yuri for a solid year. If she’ been memory-wiped one-too-many times it could explain why she’s s

l curiosity and propensity for snooping led to some unforeseen issues last year when you were away. Hale had to deal with that the best way he could without harming her. So, he attempted to erase you from her memory, but it would never st

tter, sympathizing wit

ied. You could ask for the moon from that pup and he’d give it to

s-windowed structures and throwing the sun’s reflection into my retinas with equal ferocity. But I know that’s not

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1 Chapter 1 BLOCKED2 Chapter 2 SUPER HOMEROOM3 Chapter 3 LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH4 Chapter 4 BLOODBORNE5 Chapter 5 FAMILIAR TERRITORY6 Chapter 6 THE SURGE7 Chapter 7 THE SUMMONS8 Chapter 8 COVENS AND CASTLES9 Chapter 9 THE COURT OF FANGS AND BLOOD10 Chapter 10 THE KING11 Chapter 11 DIPLOMACY12 Chapter 12 WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW...13 Chapter 13 APOCALYPSE NOW14 Chapter 14 THREE DOWN15 Chapter 15 FAMILY16 Chapter 16 ALL THE BROKEN PIECES17 Chapter 17 EVEN IF THE WORLD BURNS...18 Chapter 18 ANTISEPTIC AND GINGER19 Chapter 19 PRINCESS PERKS20 Chapter 20 THE EVENTS21 Chapter 21 LIAISONS22 Chapter 22 A HIKING WE WILL GO...23 Chapter 23 ELEMENTAL24 Chapter 24 ACCOMIDATIONS25 Chapter 25 A DIFFERENT APPROACH26 Chapter 26 unNATURAL DISASTER27 Chapter 27 WATER, FIRE, AIR, EARTH...28 Chapter 28 ...AND ONE MORE THING29 Chapter 29 THE FIRST EVENT30 Chapter 30 FIVE ELEMENTS31 Chapter 31 REALITY CHECK32 Chapter 32 PERFECT ATTENDANCE33 Chapter 33 BREAKING THE RULES34 Chapter 34 FLIMSY EXCUSES35 Chapter 35 JOINING THE CIRCUS36 Chapter 36 WILTING FLOWERS37 Chapter 37 BAD NEWS38 Chapter 38 RISING WATERS39 Chapter 39 INFIGHTING40 Chapter 40 OVERHEARD41 Chapter 41 COMING CLEAN42 Chapter 42 DEAD ENDS43 Chapter 43 SHAKY GROUND44 Chapter 44 A DISRUPTION IN THE HIERARCHY45 Chapter 45 MEETING WITH MONSTERS46 Chapter 46 DARKLIGHT47 Chapter 47 TWO BIRDS...ONE STONE...48 Chapter 48 L-CLASS49 Chapter 49 ROCKY SHORES50 Chapter 50 NOT ALONE51 Chapter 51 BITTER SWEET MELODIES52 Chapter 52 COLLEGE APPLICATIONS53 Chapter 53 CHANGE IN THE AIR54 Chapter 54 GINGER...AND...55 Chapter 55 MAGIC56 Chapter 56 SOMBER SKIES57 Chapter 57 NUMBING58 Chapter 58 SMOOTHING WRINKLES59 Chapter 59 HOLES IN THE HIERARCHY60 Chapter 60 UNEXPECTED REQUEST61 Chapter 61 EXPOSED62 Chapter 62 TRIGGERED63 Chapter 63 ENTICING OFFER64 Chapter 64 FRESH FROM THE TAP65 Chapter 65 WHOLE66 Chapter 66 DATE NIGHT67 Chapter 67 BLINDED BY BIGGER THINGS68 Chapter 68 PEBBLES IN THE ROAD69 Chapter 69 NEW PLAN70 Chapter 70 TICK...TICK...TICK...71 Chapter 71 KA-BOOM72 Chapter 72 THE GAME BEGINS73 Chapter 73 TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN74 Chapter 74 A FAILING PLAN75 Chapter 75 CONFIRMATION76 Chapter 76 UNCOMMON MAGIC77 Chapter 77 WARDS78 Chapter 78 DRAKI79 Chapter 79 GUARDED80 Chapter 80 TITLES81 Chapter 81 ADVICE82 Chapter 82 TERRITORIAL83 Chapter 83 BIG CAT84 Chapter 84 BERNER85 Chapter 85 ALPHA86 Chapter 86 PACK87 Chapter 87 OTHER DISASTERS88 Chapter 88 A MOMENT'S PEACE89 Chapter 89 PROMISES90 Chapter 90 CHRISTMAS EVE91 Chapter 91 EXODUS92 Chapter 92 FRACTURED93 Chapter 93 THE SURGE94 Chapter 94 SOUL SENSE95 Chapter 95 FOLLOWING ORDERS96 Chapter 96 PUZZLE PIECES97 Chapter 97 FRAYING ROPES98 Chapter 98 BURNING TIME99 Chapter 99 FUELING TIME100 Chapter 100 ON THE EDGE