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The Beta King

Chapter 28 Parting can be Such Sweet Sorrow

Word Count: 1567    |    Released on: 30/05/2024


ted, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who kn

ipe from Annalise. She made it clear to me that I needed to know how

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1 Chapter 1 The Masquerade2 Chapter 2 Careful what you Wish for3 Chapter 3 Poke the Bear. Do it. Poke the Bear.4 Chapter 4 Bite Me, Prick5 Chapter 5 Mate, dearest.6 Chapter 6 Devil May Care7 Chapter 7 Just a glance8 Chapter 8 Don't speak.9 Chapter 9 For the Love of Everything Unholy10 Chapter 10 Breakfast11 Chapter 11 Secrets don't make Friends12 Chapter 12 But lies do Sometimes13 Chapter 13 Big Sad14 Chapter 14 Jealousy15 Chapter 15 It's better if you Don't.16 Chapter 16 The Future doesn't Wait17 Chapter 17 What you Seek18 Chapter 18 Trouble19 Chapter 19 Hell hath no Fury20 Chapter 20 Shock and Awe21 Chapter 21 Answers better left Alone22 Chapter 22 Untold Horrors23 Chapter 23 Anotha One24 Chapter 24 Takes one (to know one)25 Chapter 25 Life Sucks, and then it Sucks some More26 Chapter 26 Oh Brother27 Chapter 27 Ick28 Chapter 28 Parting can be Such Sweet Sorrow29 Chapter 29 There are times you should just Shut Up30 Chapter 30 Mummy Dearest31 Chapter 31 The Rogue King32 Chapter 32 Family Ties33 Chapter 33 First Sight34 Chapter 34 Fealty, and Ceremonious Departure35 Chapter 35 Grandeur for Not36 Chapter 36 Homecoming37 Chapter 37 Long Distance38 Chapter 38 In-laws39 Chapter 39 Normalcy40 Chapter 40 Pinch me if I'm Dreaming41 Chapter 41 Ugh!42 Chapter 42 Welcome, darling.43 Chapter 43 You have GOT to be Joking44 Chapter 44 Consequences of Primal Instinct45 Chapter 45 Hell Hath no Fury46 Chapter 46 Don't Ask Questions your Don't Want the Answers to47 Chapter 47 If you can't Beat 'em48 Chapter 48 Join 'em49 Chapter 49 Toss and Turn50 Chapter 50 Silk51 Chapter 51 Fight Dirty if you Must52 Chapter 52 Ice Cream53 Chapter 53 Dirty Little Secrets54 Chapter 54 Nothing Good55 Chapter 55 Realization56 Chapter 56 Good Things57 Chapter 57 Existential Crisis58 Chapter 58 Timing59 Chapter 59 Shameless Flirt60 Chapter 60 What Qualifies a Good Time 61 Chapter 61 Pretender's Lullaby62 Chapter 62 Pure-e63 Chapter 63 Don't Freak Out64 Chapter 64 Of all Things65 Chapter 65 Too Soon 66 Chapter 66 Shhhh!67 Chapter 67 Scorching Hot68 Chapter 68 You don't say 69 Chapter 69 Captain Virtue70 Chapter 70 Run, Wolf, Run!71 Chapter 71 Checks and Balances72 Chapter 72 Not THAT Guy73 Chapter 73 Untamed, unkept, blinding rage.74 Chapter 74 Answers75 Chapter 75 Somebody Sedate Me!76 Chapter 76 Loopholes.77 Chapter 77 Recovery Period78 Chapter 78 Criminal Negligence79 Chapter 79 Cursed Wolves80 Chapter 80 Thank the Goddess81 Chapter 81 Growing Desperation82 Chapter 82 Spontanious Combustion83 Chapter 83 Show Me.84 Chapter 84 Blissfully Unaware85 Chapter 85 Loose Ends.86 Chapter 86 Time Off87 Chapter 87 Serena Fucking Claire.88 Chapter 88 Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes89 Chapter 89 Preperations, and Invitations90 Chapter 90 Alarm. Or Mild Panic. Whichever is Cheaper.91 Chapter 91 Challenge Day.92 Chapter 92 Meet the Hendersons.93 Chapter 93 3... 2... 1-- fight!94 Chapter 94 Jumpsca(e)re!95 Chapter 95 Frued and Oedipus had one Thing in Common. Mothers.96 Chapter 96 Uninvited Guests97 Chapter 97 In Another Life98 Chapter 98 Hospital Ridden99 Chapter 99 Kidnappers, ugh!100 Chapter 100 Wolf, please.