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Return Of The Rejected

Chapter 2 The meeting

Word Count: 1213    |    Released on: 23/05/2024



d reminiscing about how we met a

ip and 70% of the world's populati

as neutral ab

bted if whatever anyone had

was said to be a cause of the new refinery he wa

k me, he was already a billionaire at the age of 27 and was running his fa

tion student, I became i

t about Cillian Alejandro with over 500,000 likes on it, curious, I clicked on the com

in of the fact tha

t the most to me and

nd still daft. Every day Cillian Alejandro rem


ng my eyes out, alone, i

well-constructed response to

as in Cillia

le were writing different things under my response but I

and turned to my left side then c

me up, it was my roommate,

and brushed my ha

les and incoherent words. "Tonight wa

unker. "If I wanted to, I will." Was my

r I was done with studying, I decided to

ts on Instagram which made me panic becaus

without a profile picture w

I messa

ul." The sender said, e

u are." I texted and r

on a blog post so I

by the message and

I get

now your

what t

e, "I uttered and

longer and after a while

ited for what

arlie." It took another 24 h

started getting close to ea

p is going to survive the test o

vely because it came to my m

the moment," Was

and A and I keep gettin

d getting ready, but that didn't stop me

lked out of the classroom, and

ink I did well on the test," I grumbled a

a uttered annoyingly and shook her head, "Babe, when will you stop interacting with t

lf to me, he loved to keep it anonym

for a while before lettin

to face Bianca, with my lips pressed together and

sent me shining my eyes and ready

Internet can be deceiving. It might be a younger boy or older guy behind that account but you wou

head in shame

ort my feelings but at the same time, I unders

any of my decisions. But I just felt like, she must be mistaken. A wa

of the campu

e, it's been more than 5 months, I've tried." I wrote and sent it

l meet when the time is right

ro? I scoffed and typed angrily, ready t

according to my own rule,

thing else which led us to the motel and

shock, my fast brea

can't keep my hand off you. I want to lay with you right now." His voice and bre

g as I anticipated his touch there, but instead,


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