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Author: sinzala

Chapter 1 The power within

Word Count: 1679    |    Released on: 24/05/2024

chaos of the game, Brad kicked the ball high, and Tamika, not looking where she was going, ran

Chloe, arrived at the clinic, Mr. Gr

just playing football, and I kicked the ball high.

ault, son. Life is full of mistakes. From now on, I

Mr. Graham, we though

sometimes we make mistakes. Just remember, ne

ing, "Are you the parents of the chi

elivered the devastating news: "Your child is

"Our girl is in a coma... it's too ri

e pain. He fell to the ground and was taken to his home, wher

Brad asked his mo

al, sweetie. You've been t

Where's Tamika

still in a coma, Brad. We're

sh over him again, "It's my

Mr. Graham - it's not your fault. Accidents

with tears. "I just wish I co

best thing we can do is be there for our fri

ay, sitting by her bedside and talking to her as if she could hear him. He ap

's hand twitched. Brad's heart skipped a beat.

smile. "It's a good si

telling her stories about their adventures and

to wake up. When she finally opened her

he cried, tears of relie

akly. "Hey, Brad

self. "You were hit by a car while we were pla

d in shock. "Oh my G

e all okay. But I've bee

you for being here, Brad. And I

t your fault, Tamika. I shoul

er and to never take unnecessary risks. And as they left the hospital togethe

mily, all relieved to see Tamika awake and on the road to recovery. Mr. Graham

Tamika," Mr. Graham said, hi

ied, her voice still weak

Tamika too, expressing t

ry day, Tamika," Brad's mother

love and support surrounding her. "Thank y

s and words of encouragement. Zincheko, Peter, and Kimb

Zincheko exclaimed, pul

ut you," Peter added, p

"I'm just glad you're o

or each and every one of them. "I'm lucky to have frien

nation. "And I promise to always look out

ver. And as they continued on their journey, they knew that no matter

f gratitude and determination. She knew she had been given a

," Tamika said, breaking

Brad asked, g

plied. "I want to raise awareness about road saf

eko chimed in. "We could org

h, we could reach out to the co

in! I'll help spread th

xcitement. "Thanks, guys

oad safety event. They reached out to local authorities, secur

ctations. Families from the community gathered to learn

ng their story. They talked about the importance of being cautious

ride and fulfillment. They had turned a challenging ex

h emotion. "Remember, road safety is everyone's responsibilit

As they packed up and headed home, Tamika knew that they had made a differen

ing smile playing on his lips. He had always suspected that Tamika pos

es. He saw her predicting small events before they happened and not

nger. There was an undeniable energy surrounding her, a sen

Tamika, a curious gleam in his eyes

urprised. "Sure, McNeil

I couldn't help but notice that there's somethin

ned in surprise. "

I think you have powers," McNeil sa

fearing how others might react if they knew the truth. But there was some

dible. "I do have powers. I can see things before th

ent. "That's incredible, Tamika!

a child. But I've always kept them hid

be afraid of, Tamika. Your powers are a gift,

er. For the first time, she felt like she

ratitude filling her voice. "I'm gl

"Anytime, Tamika. And if you ever need someone

ew that with McNeil's support, she could truly embrace her

and newfound confidence. She had always kept her powers hidden, but now

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