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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 4255    |    Released on: 24/05/2024

territory. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting an eerie glow on the forest floor. The night was quiet, but June's mind was anythin

e. "If those responsible for the Former Luna's death rea

t I can't let them get away with it. They need

his expression serious

oned that the book contains information about the high-ranking wolves involv

ies within the pack. Not everyone will be loyal to

rust. But we need to be discreet. If word get

dscape was dotted with houses, training grounds, and the grand central hall where the pack gathered for meetings.

e," Eamon suggested. "We ca

what lay ahead. They needed to act swiftly and str

lt a sense of unease. The weight of their task was daunting, but she knew they had

me," he said, offeri

e book from the elder clutched tightly in her

book and see what we c

n ancient script, but she could understand enough to make sense of it. She

the pack with grace, ensuring the safety and prosperity of all. But her untimely death in

"Elena's death was a turning point. It allowe

ain high-ranking wolves orchestrated the attack to eliminate Elena and seize c

to find out who these wolves are and

he elder mentioned that there are hidden records within the pack's

rded, but I know a few ways to get in witho

with determination. "Let's do it. W

er, his touch reassuring. "We'll

g drawing attention to themselves as they made their way to the pack's central hall. Th

ispered as they approached the hall.

moment, then nodded

ped into the shadows, making her way to the training grounds. She knew t

training grounds erupted in chaos as wolves rushed to see what was happening. Satisfied that

racted," she whisper

ng her to a hidden

. The air was cool and musty, filled with the scent of old paper and dust. Shel

ated to the Former Luna's dea

scanning the shelves

June's heart pounded as she uncovered documents detailing the rogue attack, as well

his," she said, h

ning as he read the contents. "Thi

ates, and the roles played by the high-ranking wolves. It was clear eviden

June said, her voice filled with ur

to be careful. If those responsible find out, t

etermination. "Let them tr

in, their minds racing with plans and strategies. They knew that the nex

n said. "We'll present the evidence

ng with a mixture of fear and

ne and Eamon made their way to the central hall. The air was filled

curiosity and concern. June and Eamon took their place

nd strong. "We have uncovered evidence that will change eve

at took Elena's life was not an accident. It was orchestrated by certain hig

k absorbed this shocking revelation. June he

"The names, the dates, the details

x of shock, anger, and disbelief. June could see the impact of her wor

ed Marcus, stepped forward. "This is a seri

rcus. "It's all there. We need to b

ension in the hall grew palpable. June could feel the w

looked up, his expression grim. "This e

tuation sinking in. June felt a surge of relief and resolve. They had taken the

o act quickly. Those responsible for Elena's death must be

d with determination. June felt a sense of unity and purpose

arcus said. "Those involved wi

determination. "We're ready. We'll do wh

minds buzzing with the revelations of the night. June and Ea

the first ste


vious day swirled in her mind, and sleep seemed like a distant possibility. She couldn't shake the fee

ched. She knew that today would be pivotal in their quest for answers. The evidence they

glanced at her, his expression serious but support

d to find out more about the wolves involved. Ther

ne. "Agreed. We should start with the elders. They m

her resolve. "Let's start with Marcus. He seemed genuinel

art of the pack's territory. The elder was sitting on his porch, reading a wea

losing the book. "I assume you're her

many unanswered questions about the Former Luna's death.

sion weary. "Come inside.

tioned for them to sit, then took a seat opposite the

tinged with reverence. "She was a guiding light for our pac

Marcus. "What do you know about her e

s. Some felt threatened by her progressive ideas and her influence over the Alpha. She had a

tful. "Do you think those detractor

back then, of discontent among certain high-ranking wolves. But

e any names? Anyone who stood out

eta, was one. He always seemed to resent Elena's influence. And then there was Madelin

e evidence linking them to the conspira

clues in the old council records. They are kept i

already been to the archives once. We'll go b

careful, June. The wolves you're dealing with are dange

unwavering. "Thank you, M

next steps. The council records could hold the key to unr

. "We can't just walk into the archives agai

eed a distraction, somethin

a training exercise scheduled for today. If we can create a com

like the way you t

s sparring under the watchful eyes of their instructors. June and Eamon posit

Eamon w

ls, mimicking the sounds of a rogue attack. The training grounds erupted in chao

king their way to the archives. The guards had inde

kly," Eamon said

dimly lit corridor. The air was thick with the scent of old paper

council meetings around the time of Elena

down a stack of file

ded as she uncovered documents detailing the council's deliberation

is," she said, hol

he contents. "This is it. These are the minutes fro

uncil. Victor and Madeline were mentioned repeatedly, their opposition

her voice filled with determination. "But we need more. W

s keep looking. The

ords and piecing together the puzzle. Finally, J

his," she said, h

ne. It detailed their plans to orchestrate the rogue at

ce filled with a mix of triumph a

rpose among them, a shared resolv

id. "Victor and Madeline are dangerous

h resolve. "We're ready. We'll do what

minds buzzing with the revelations of the night. June and Ea

ce filled with a mix of triumph and caution. "B

our allies and ensure the pack i

er, his touch reassuring. "We'll

r allies within the pack, sharing the evidence and garnering support for their cause. The mood

once more, there was a knock at the door. Eamon opened it to reveal a grou

, his voice steady. "We cannot a

nd resolve. "Thank you. Together

They knew that Victor and Madeline would not sit idly by while th

do it publicly, where the whole pack can see. They can't

pack at the central hall. It'

pation. Word had spread about the upcoming confrontation, and wolves gathered in t

ked by their allies. The air was thick with tension

ir faces masked with calm composure. But June could see the fli

f this?" Victor deman

re to reveal the truth about the Former Luna's death. The e

amon's words. Victor's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at

" Victor said, his voice laced

e the minutes from the council meetings and a letter de

hall fell silent as the details of the conspiracy were laid bare. As M

outed, his composure cracking.

lculated. "You have no right to accuse us. This

nce is clear. You plotted to eliminate Elena and

lunged toward June, but Eamon and the ot

d, his voice commanding. "The

but one by one, they began to speak up, t

led by traitors

eld accountable

stood united in their resolve to bring Victor and Madelin

ne will have a chance to defend themselves, but the eviden

ix of fury and fear. June felt a sense of relief and determination. They

amon said, his voice steady. "We can'

resolve. "We'll be ready. They can

rategy for the upcoming trial. They knew that Victor and Madeline would fight ba

aid. "There might be other records or wit

council members who were present at the meeting

essly, gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses. They uncovered more details abo

s, their faces reflecting a mix of anticipation and determinati

ive. "We are here to determine the guilt or innocence of Victor and M

, their expressions defiant. June and Eamon sat wi

es and power struggles, confirming Victor and Madeline's opposition to Elena. The docum

ments rang hollow in the face of the overwhelming evidence. As the

has been presented, and the witnesses have spoken

ng a mix of anger and resolve. One by one, they began to

" one wo

eld accountable

stood united in their resolve to bring Victor and Madelin

onspiring to murder the Former Luna, Elena. You will

escorted out of the hall. June felt a surge of relief and triumph.

Eamon stood at the front of the hall, th

his voice filled with a m

is just the beginning. We have a long road ahead, but

er, his touch reassuring. "We'll

the first steps toward healing the pack and securing a brighter future. And w

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