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A Twist In Assassination

A Twist In Assassination


Chapter 1 I've got her, Let's move!

Word Count: 1832    |    Released on: 28/07/2024



wide eyes, searching blindly for the old vase by her bed. As soon as her hands grabbed a hold of i

d a little prayer in her head like her mother always taught

eaths, before switching it on and jumping out of where she'd been hi

at the unexpected light that temporarily blinded

y dropped the vase on a table

, Ara!" The in

o help him up "I'm sorry Mat

weight and led him to the only single

aceli fired in annoyance. The care still evid

in reply, angerin

u falling ill over liver disease? You'd die Mateo, you hear me? You.would. die" S

bad for saying that to him but it was the plain truth. They had no mon

em met and fell in love is a story Araceli couldn't for the life of her remember. Araceli is a positive bright girl that believed in having bad stories to create a succes

off to get that far in the school. Although she was having a bit of an issue paying for her last year, the school had given her extra time because she is

t started two years back. Not the first choice of Ara

hey were never a rich family. The struggle and hustling had always been there but the workload just became a lot for her

some food. He made little noises that made her aware he was back but none had ever been this disruptive and noisy. Maybe she shoul

. The little she made, he'd steal it and venture out for his useless drinking lifestyle. On more than one occasion, she'd sat him down to b

let him be. She now put her money in the bank, only leaving enou

was the same damn thing every other day. He'd apologize lik

hoping you'd change" Araceli shook her head

lly sorry" Mateo

the glaring regret in his tone but decided

om's door, she yelled out

othing from him, she sighed and closed the

since Mateo became uncontrollable with every day that went by, Araceli made the decision he slept on

muttered to herself and climbed onto her bed. I


eila groan

for him everyday" Araceli snort

ou don't" s

always going to be a part of her that keeps hoping her brother would come to his right

tests today?" Leila asked as

aceli winked, ma

ky b

celi shrugged, ma


ghtest of moods, having aced her tests, as she

cter and a poor background. So they did all they could do to live. They worked at a pastry shop after class

li and Leila greeted as soon

hem immediately she laid her eyes on them. She never regretted her decision as they were very helpful to her cafe. Th

de for them. The two girls rushed b

How's your brother Ara

nswered tog

s "Okay. Get to work. It's only a matte

ded and went


celi and the latter giggled, catching it

Chica" Ara

s located. They were neighbors in the same compound but Araceli's apartment was at the back and Leila's at the front.

pen the door with her keys but she was in

and didn't go out to drink today?" S

in her chest and she walked in with a smile

nge faces in the room till it

lacing her tone "What's hap

. Two emotions were clear to Araceli as he looked at he

ng room ordered and that was all Ara needed to

himself and her in this mess. She wasn't stupid. She lived in the slums and knew what ty

de different turns, trying to confuse them. She flew over a fence and crouche

od up and decided to take another route to Estelle's house. Only an

rt walking out of there, she came fac

you think you

e masked figure covered her nose with a white cloth. Araceli tried h

he masked figure yelling,

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