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His Little Blonde Secret

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 2398    |    Released on: 29/05/2024

crowds, keeping my eye

locker without having to lift my head up on

t trainers come into view and I stop

reeze. I glance up nervously and meet eyes with someone I never thought I'd cross pat

this happe

e to be

r than Beat

friends. She's the mean girl, alpha female, class A bitch of Heywood High. She's also one of the highest members of the Popular's. The so

ks. Her hair is always curled to perfection, makeup immaculately done alongside it. Wh

he lets out a heavy sigh, almost as if I'm the


lares at me from head to toe and I feel myself disappear inside myself. I shrink back against the wall, too s

g with one knee bent as she glares at me to respond. The girls standing on either side of her narrow their eyes at me, sick smirks on their faces. I

speak Engl

dor and I flinch, my throat tightening until it becomes difficult to breathe. I quickly dodge to the side and force my legs to scurry

Bella. It'

he corridors slowly began to empty, crowds of students disappearing. I reach

eathe. In,

ormal as breathing can suddenly b

ening further and further until it feels like your gaspin

o help me when I need it and to have my back against people like Beat

ng over in fresh tears. Whenever Dad or Jedd question my lack of friends I wave it off a

w how to ov


before turning back to her laptop. Everyone stands from their seats, the chatter in the room rising

ast favouri

e the sport sk

y dreaming at the end of the football pitch. Staring up into the sky and seeing what shapes I can make out of the clouds is literally one

lf in a matter of minutes to suddenly become a popu

in love wit

y seventeen years of living. Unless the boy who lived next door to me when I was five counted.

ssroom is empty before I grab my

n to face her, slightly shocked that she knows

ping my eyes glued to the f

ke my homework out of my bag

the same day it


an asked me out last ni


gosh, f

balls. It's abo

undressed, parading around in their underwear without a care in the world. The conversation in the locker rooms alwa

cussion is Eth

am for months before he'd finally asked her out. Apparently their first

ound like much

ical love movies on Netflix. Every single time a couple split, I bl

wl always ended up minglin

yet simple. A chance for both of you to get to kno

quiet an


worry of eating like a starv

t's small, door behind me. This is where I change every PE lesson. It's small, cramped and smelly but it's out of sight and I'd c

IGH printed on the back in block white letters. I opted for the size that was two

white socks and my trusty old converse. The entire school basicall

r, continuing with their conversations. Mrs Hollins let out an annoyed breath, rolling her eyes. I watch as she raises the whistle

to the grass in a childish manner. She craved the students attention and respec

my distance from the two girls giggling on the end. Mrs Holl

up. I hold my hand up half heartedly, looking incredib

lass football

nd in a heap on the floor in front of my

ins sighs, shaking her head. I bite my chee

cheeks burn with embarrassment and I resist making eye contact. I clutch the keys tightly, feeling the col

n down

There's around ten different keys and I glance down at them before sighing heavily. It takes me a while to find the right one but when I do, I smile and pull back th

o stop myself falling. I can barely make out any shapes

u like so

ll out as I connect with the floor, landing painfully on my side. I wince and feel around, grabbing a metal pole from und

se Mrs Hollins, blinking back the t

uts in and I immediately freez


can vaguely make out his outl

towards me, the shadow of his outstretched hand inches away from

hand, I d

small hand reaches out uneasily until it meets with his and I feel his fingers close around mine ti

raspy. He sounds like he's just woken from a n

words all day and it feels weird. I notice how he hasn't let go of my hand even though I'm firmly stea

sound so su

look up at his face even though I probab

t the light shine in." Mystery Boy chuckles quietly,

e been easier." I respond,

ks me, handing over the dreaded bag of footballs. I

m, than

ears his throat. I can vaguely make out his shadow


e corners of my lips to tug upwards. I briefly cat

and broad

interaction causes me to sweat with nerves and worry. As I leave the equipment room, I searc

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