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Chapter 2 Unexpected Change Of

Word Count: 3047    |    Released on: 31/05/2024

THAT and expect me to clean it up," Arabella exclaimed, her arms crossed tigh

Misky replied

mean. Like, you didn't

well, no one asked you

since we're the only two here,

yes. "It's literally the least you can

d you that when I

tting into Arabella's face. "Girl, you are so broke. It's laugh

ess next time, literally! It's a dirty habit, a

s off? Go and die,

isn't fair, Misky,"

ew y

fraught with tension. They had been good friends in college, which led Arabella to agree to stay with Mi

who seemed to take pleasure in mak

the dishes would help her blow off some steam. Arguments like this wer

today was

to the front yard, she narrowly missed being hit by some of her belongings being thrown

ll?" Arabell

cold smirk. "Get the fuck out. I'

sking you to flush

o flushes twenty-four seven, three si

upposed to sl

letely off guard. "You can ask your boy

f Misky's accusation. "That doesn't even make sense!

ly before disappearing back into the ho

ng her bags over her body and dragging her last box along with her. As she walked away from t

s kilometers away. What was worse, cabs rarely ventured to this

hand, and her heart leap

s voice was a balm to

ch his upbeat tone, though

sighed. "Two syllables—Stressf



really need you to

e. W

kwater. My roommate kin

se. "Where- what? Whe

on. There's a bus stop the

there." She heard keys rat


anxiety flooding her. Now she just had to

h, she sensed someone following her. Turning

ugh she felt a knot of unease in her stomach. Th

ing into the pockets of her hoodie. "Yup

politely. "Nice

"Why are you traveling this

a replied, her mind racing for an excuse

tuff?" Roddy ges

l, you know, just some essentials. And, uh, y

g with you to the bus stop," Jake in

but I'll be fine," Arabell

red?" Roddy teased, n

ng a bother?" Lina added, h

ghtening her anxiety. She longed for the safety of the

y announced, stopping in fr

ank. "You guys got

odded towards the building.

tered. "Oh, no, no,

d at the caller ID and saw Kieran's name flashing on the screen.

anded, pulling out a gun and

phone, her mind racing with fear. "Please, I

bags. He hoisted them over his shoulder

ained on her head. Was she damned t

racing a mile a minute. She tried to remember any self-defense tips she had ever

s senses were on high alert, every sound echoing in her ears, every shadow dancing menacingly in the

d was a sobering reminder of the danger she faced. She needed a

had taken such a terrifying turn. She had never imagined herself in a situation like

broke through the tense silence, his

r the revving of an engine, growing louder with each passing second. It sou

building, poked his head out

t be him

nd of the motorcycle from such a distance, let alone engage

htening on the gun. "Don't make a

began to slow down as he approached. It wa

arted screaming at the top of her lungs, waving

ifferent directions, leaving Arabella alo

d a piercing scream, her arms flailin

e directions, abandoning Arabella on the

t black motorcycle screeched to a halt in the

t?" The rider's voice wa

wary of giving off h

revealing a face she recognized. He was a middle-aged man with

escort you to the bus stop and wait until he arrives. I'm Dean Lenoir. I happened to be nearby, and

picture to Dean, instructing him to find her along Backwater

ost were the texts from Kieran, howeve

ting herself. "I mean, Dad?" She winced, that did

. "Yes. You're the gir

wo bombs had detonated in

understand. It's not every day you meet

demeanor serious and focused as he grilled Arabella with questions. His crisp

e and down-to-earth. His casual attire and relaxed posture conveyed a sense of warm

a weak chuckle.

stammered, handin

okay? You were scre

ill shaky. "Some thieves

tried getting here

r fault. Thanks f

t's alright if you don't trust me enough


ful smile as she finally

Dean said gently, pla

you?" Arab


ed on the back of the bike, instinctiv

on't be scared," D

grip tightenin

rting the bike up again, and th

the vehicle more, lifting her head an

y contour in pure curiosity. She didn't even realize sh


panicked, releasing he

st teasing! Don'

rry about th

t off, putting her at e

t of the ride, her cheeks

" Dean announced as they

and he emerged, relief evident

before helping Arabella dismount.


"Are you okay? I tried calling you again to let you know my dad wa

he explained as Kieran assiste

She shook her head. "T


g his helmet from Kieran, standing just behind her. In the ambient light, she

w, whispering her thanks to him as well.

er home. Are

ot some thin


hing. Y

shing a final appreciative smile b


stance. It turned out he resided in an exclusive area, nestled

about such enclaves in news

points, each manned by guards who seemed

your friend? You left in quit

nd," Kieran replied, ge

d waved in ac

e you get home safely,

stay safe out here,

. Thank

abella noticed several more men and

his estate and a few other areas in the city," Kieran explained



ssive job. It's such a

minal activity. Even Dad, who grew up

too? That explains why t

n't surprise me. He's like an urban

could tell

le that still haunts those streets,

bella was curious though

e off limit

asking i

ssing with you. Chi

when he wa

before dropping me off at h

you mentio

ad dropping him off at the suburbs for his grandparents to take care of him along w

abella intentionally avoided most times

house number thirty-one. It was a luxurious villa, and Arabel

a warm ambiance over the meticulously m

feminine voice echoing through the b


's residence," the voice greeted, emanating

. "A talking house. Just wonderful." she muse

abella's eyes widened at the

airs," Kieran said

opulence of her surroundings. Along the walls were tastefu

Kieran gestured towards a door

aback by its size and elegance. The room was well-furnished and cozy,

, and she couldn't help but smile at the though

to your liking," Kieran sa

ith a grateful smile. "I

his eyes. "You can get freshened

rroundings, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting

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