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Author: Demmyboy


Word Count: 1926    |    Released on: 05/06/2024

mpagne flutes. Sarah stood on the periphery, feeling like a fish out of water amidst the throng of glamorous guests. Her he

step he took. Tall and strikingly handsome, he exuded an air of confidence and sophistication that set him apart from the rest. Their e

oth and captivating as he appro

hand, feeling a rush of warmth at the touch of his skin

felt as though they were the only two people in the room. Time seemed to stand still a

g of impending doom that hung in the air. Little did she know, their chance encounter

breath warm against her skin, Sarah's heart raced with antic

of their encounter. And as she watched him disappear from view, a sense of longing washed over her, filling her with

mind buzzing with questions and possibilities as she

music swelled, filling the air with a melodic rhythm that seemed to match the beat of her racing hear

ysteries. With each exchange, Sarah felt herself opening up in ways she never thought possible, sharing

o the music's intoxicating rhythm. The world around them faded into the background as they lost them

k with a sudden and jarring force. Sarah blinked, her eyes adjusting to the hars

he night was over. And as he disappeared into the crowd, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling of e

r, a voice broke through the haze of her thoug

Are you

her side throughout the evening. Sarah forced a smile, pushing

th James Blackwood. And as she watched the final moments of the gala unfold before her, Sarah co

still lingering in the air around her. She bid farewell to Emma, her thoughts con

ames's voice still ringing in her ears. She paused on the steps of the grand venue

d from the darkness, causing her heart to skip a beat. It wa

low and urgent. "There's som

ited for him to speak. But before James could utter another word, a sudden noise pier

apprehension as she scanned the dimly lit

tinct evident in his posture as they

a figure emerged, their fa

demanded, his voice f

shed as quickly as they had appeared, leaving Sarah and

arah's mind raced with questions, her

the air, she turned to James, her

poke, breaking the tense silenc

owed in deep concentration. "I'm no

street as they cautiously made the

't shake the feeling of unea

n danger?" she asked, her vo

r surroundings for any sign of danger. "I don

stronger, casting a shadow over their fateful encounte

sync with each step. "I feel like we're being wa

her hand. "We need to get back to s

re emerged, blocking their path. "Going s

he recognized the voice, her pulse racin

glinting in the moonlight. And as Sarah's world spun out of control, she real

nd the unfolding nightmare. "Charles," James gro

the dim streetlight. "Surprised to see me, James?" Char

o a steely resolve. "What do you want from us?" she dema

vers down Sarah's spine. "Oh, just a little payback for ol

slipped further away, leaving her trapped in a nig

forward, pushing Sarah out of harm's way just in time. "Run

rror as she watched the confrontation unfold. "Jame

es, his finger tightening on the trigger. And as Sarah's world shattered into chaos, th

nd racing with a million possibilities. "James!" she s

nt in his eyes as he faced Charles head-on. "You'll never g

his lips. "We'll see about that," he sneered,

protect the man she loved at all costs. And as the world around her faded into cha

s and Charles, her body acting on pure instinct. "No!" she s

eet, followed by a deafening silen

y a rush of adrenaline as she opene

s arms wrapping around her protectively as they

d determination filled Sarah's heart, knowing that the

ir hearts still racing with adrenaline. "We need to get out of here,"

eeling of unease that lingered in the air. "What do we

e stick together and figure this out," he replied,

est their love and resilience in ways they could never have imagined. And as they vanished into the

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