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The Cruise of the Jasper B.


Word Count: 2418    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

led the way back to the Jasper B. Neither said anything to the point until, seated in the cabin,

n of the identi

ld not mistake it. There is

ge piece of dark green jade which was deeply

t, "in the possession o

although I had not known that it was. Still, that

ring, and the manner in which it has come into our possession, are not the most mysteri

o and out of the hold of your vesse

f their hostility cl

eel of it aroused his suspicions. He called Elmer, and when

ve anything to d

hat he might know

k at that

one of the small hair-like fibers with which the texture of such notes is sprinkled. A

r," h

the Jasper B., into and out of which he stole like a ghost? Finally he got tired of it and blew himself up with a bomb out there, leaving his ring with

e amused, "but out of all this jumble of


tinies are so


her eyes again. Cleggett could not tell whether she

o persistently hostile to me are also in some manner connected wi

this ring, or was very near the person who was wearing it. And," with a shudder which conveyed

intention of destroying the Jasper B., and was himself the victim of a pre

d a dynamiter, anarchistic or otherwise, be holding a counter

brooded i

eries," he said finally. "Th

ries were inextricably intertwined, that they must henceforward march on as one mystery towards a solution, was exhilarating to him. B

the thought

ox of Reginald Maltravers, suddenly and u

hole way. Any friend of the little dame is a friend

ffected than he would have cared t

se, Miss Antoinette Medley, was a black-eyed, slender girl with pretty hands and white teeth; she gestured a great deal and smiled often. She and Dr. Farn

ped in blankets, lay on the deck near the box of Reginald Maltravers, looking even more dejected in slumber than when his eyes were open. Teddy, the Pomeranian, was snuggled against Elmer's feet, but, as if a prey to frightful nightmares, the little dog twitched and whined in his sleep from time to time. These were the apparent facts, and these facts were set to a melancholy tune by the long-drawn,

uded for long. By the time the red disk of the sun had crept ab

of integrity and honor. He drew strength from it. Cleggett, like all poe

d sort, running swiftly and earnestly up and down the edge of the canal. He saw with astonishment that the two men in bathing suits were handcuffed together, the left wrist of one to the right wrist of the other. A rope was tied to th

rough the glass that he had a rather heavy black mustache, and was again struck by something vaguely familiar about him. The two men in bathing suits were slender and undersized; they did not look at all like athletes, and although they moved as fast as they could it was apparent that they

But the driver was inexorable. He went near to them and threatened their bare backs with the slack of the rope. Gingerly and shiveringly they stepped into the cold

per, for suddenly one of them leaped and kicked sidewise at the other, with the result that both toppled to the ground. The stout man was upon them in an instant, hazing them with the rope end. He drove them, s

orecastle and beckoned to him. The young Doctor had a red Vandyck beard sedulously cultivated in the belief that it would make him look older

oge'?" he


anyone named '

. W

t of his head towards the forecastle. "And I wouldn't be surprised, to judge from the boy's delirium, if 'Loge

oring to soothe and restrain him. The young anarchist, whose eyes were brig

er listening a moment. "But wait, he'll get back to

it, I weep.'" He paused for a moment, and then began at the beginning and repeated all of the line

he shrilled, and then with a sad shake

vorite line, for he said it over and over again-"'But, as I spit, I

is mind. "Loge!" he said, raising himself on his elbow and staring,

in his gaze; he was evidently liv

, Loge, not a crook!

mped itself into the texture of his spirit. "You shouldn't ask it, Loge," he said. The crisis of the conflict which he was l

crook-a revolutionist, not a crook, Loge, not a crook--" Once he varied it, crying with a quick, hot scorn: "I'll cut their throats an

h a shaking finger. "Stop it!" he cried in a croaking whisper. "Stop it! It's his skull-it's Loge's skull come alive. Stop it, I say, it's come alive and getting bigger." With a viol

ing again. "It's a ticklish thing," said Farnsworth, rumpling his hair. "If I give him enough sedative to keep him q

ett had little doubt that "Loge" was the tall man with the stoop shoulders and the odd, skull-shaped scarfpin, for whom he had conceived at first

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