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Royal Chess

Chapter 3 The Birth Of Aliya

Word Count: 3044    |    Released on: 07/06/2024

ical creatures were incredibly powerful. He had to be prepared to fight them, and that required great power. Despite being a king, Ethan still had to attend numerous meetings with different wo

g with the women's family bloodline. Selene worked her magic and placed the woman she created in the womb of a royal woman, granting them a be

f with a small town around it. A royal family was blessed with a miracle after struggling to bear a child for many

tone from Selene's castle. The blue stone was a dangerous object that could kill someone like Ethan, who was royal and powerful. The thought of the r

to him inside his head. "I was wondering the same thin

s this morning that I need to attend," says Ethan as he walked over to where his towel and water bottle were on the bench.

onsible for taking care of those who are in need and the orphanage house was full of children who lost their parents , some

le. Even with his wolf form, Ethan could hear the heartbeat pounding back in his ears; it was like someone was by him the whole time. Ethan changes back to his human form when he gets to his room. He was saved back in his room, so he didn’t care if he was naked. Ethan made himself to his bathroom, walked, walked straight up to the s

thoughts in his head, and anyone could try to mind link him. Ethan closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening his mind link again. "Ethan, you need to come down here. We have news about that rogue wolf,

the bathroom mirror, fixing his hair until it's at its finest. Satisfied with his appearance, Ethan uses his magic once more to transport himself to the basement where the prisoners are kept. He closes his eyes and focuses on the basement, an old, grimy place with grey-brick walls and no windows. The basement is located on the other side of the castle. It has a door that leads to old wooden stairs that take you underground. Ethan visual

than steps inside, he feels the chill in the air, he shakes it off. He cannot show any weakness as a king. The wolf what called himself the dark one was chained to the wall with old, rusty prisoner cuffs. The man who was chained up had visible bruises from the beating he had received from the warrior knights. There was also a strong urine smell coming from him when Ethan stepped closer to the prisoner, making Ethan nauseous. He tried to gulp the nausea in his throat and put on his king face; he had to be serious now. "I heard that you had something important to share, "says Ethan while cracking his

il Chace jumped in and pulled Ethan away from the ma

hade of red as his wolf, Max. This was something out of the ordinary, and it caught Chace's atten

out the noise, but it only seemed to get louder. The sensation was overwhelming, and he felt as though his head might split open. “You heard it too “overheard Ethan the man say “she was finally born and soon will I have my Queen “says the man while leaving an evil laugh out. Hearing him say that made Ethan angrier. He got up, and with one step, he was in front of th

nk Chace him when Ethan was pressing his claws so deep into the man's throat that blood started to run down his neck. Chace was right. The other half of the stone was still missing, and they needed it because it was a weapon that could kill him and Selene. Ethan let go o

anage house if you need me,'" He look back at Chace one mo

e said for the children at the orphanage. They have nothing to play with except for sticks and rocks, and the few toys they have are old and worn-out. It breaks Ethan's heart to see them living in such conditions, and he feels deep

straight to his bed. He was warm out and had a big headache of hearing the constant a heartbeat in his ears. There we

frustration and inability to focus. After enduring this situation for two days, Ethan decided to take action. He was on the training field when he suddenly decided he couldn't

e room was decorated with predominantly pink and white colors, and the walls were adorned with beautiful artwork portraying a forest and

plainable urge to move closer to the cot, as if he was being drawn by something. As he approached, he couldn't help but admire the intricate woodwork of the cot. And then he saw her - a beautiful bab

let that adorned her tiny left arm. Gently lifting her arm with his hand, he felt the softness of her skin and read the engraved name on the bracelet - "Aliya."

name that embodied her beauty and grace, and he felt grateful to be in her presence. As he watched her sleep, he knew that this tiny bundle of joy would change his life forever, it was his responsibility to protect her and to make sure that his dream does not happen in the future. “I will make sure to protect you Aliya and that no one will ever hurt you “ say Ethan then bent down and place a soft kiss on her forehead . Ethan was truck of how

as he wanted to stay and protect Aliya, Ethan knew that he had to leave before her mother saw him. It was a difficult decision, but Ethan had no choice but to go. He took one last glance at Aliya before closing his eyes and picturing his castle. As he i

ng, he couldn't help but feel lost and confused. "Why do I feel this way, Max?" he asks, his wolf back in his head. "It's because what you thought was love was actually neutral, since she is your fated mate," replies Max. Ethan's heart swelled as he thought about Aliya, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. “It's okay to feel overw

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1 Chapter 1 The beginning2 Chapter 2 The coronation of Ethan3 Chapter 3 The Birth Of Aliya4 Chapter 4 Watching you grow up5 Chapter 5 A rose for my Queen6 Chapter 6 My Blood runs through your Veins7 Chapter 7 A tri-bird was born8 Chapter 8 Aliya found a new Best Friend9 Chapter 9 Aliya 9 years later …..10 Chapter 10 When our eyes meet11 Chapter 11 Our First Kiss12 Chapter 12 Jacob Becomes Aliya's protector13 Chapter 13 Can't Breathe14 Chapter 14 Don't you dare leave me15 Chapter 15 Fall in love with you16 Chapter 16 Meeting our Daughter17 Chapter 17 When I saw you for the first time18 Chapter 18 Our First Dance19 Chapter 19 compassion20 Chapter 20 Keep Aliya save21 Chapter 21 When our bodies collide22 Chapter 22 Sweater than Love23 Chapter 23 thought you love me24 Chapter 24 Our Love Story25 Chapter 25 Aliya's New World26 Chapter 26 Point of no return27 Chapter 27 You Are not Alone28 Chapter 28 Honor of Anima's last wish29 Chapter 29 Rampart30 Chapter 30 without powers31 Chapter 31 Fall in love with you32 Chapter 32 Keeping an eye on Aliya33 Chapter 33 In the woods34 Chapter 34 Protecting you35 Chapter 35 I need to find you36 Chapter 36 Never letting you go37 Chapter 37 Never letting you go38 Chapter 38 My turn to make my move39 Chapter 39 faint little heartbeat40 Chapter 40 Feeling Hopeless41 Chapter 41 Escape From the shadows42 Chapter 42 When I lost you43 Chapter 43 I found you44 Chapter 44 Our baby girl's heartbeat45 Chapter 45 Our Love Created this46 Chapter 46 Building our new life together47 Chapter 47 We are in this together48 Chapter 48 Saving Aliya49 Chapter 49 Saving Aliya50 Chapter 50 Our moments together51 Chapter 51 When it is more than friendship52 Chapter 52 Please do not leave me53 Chapter 53 I cannot hear your heartbeat anymore54 Chapter 54 Powerless and point of no escape55 Chapter 55 Violette......56 Chapter 56 Trying to make my way back to you57 Chapter 57 My heart and soul belong to you58 Chapter 58 These precious moments with you59 Chapter 59 Building Memories with you60 Chapter 60 Heart of string61 Chapter 61 Back to life62 Chapter 62 You hold the anchor of my heart63 Chapter 63 Follow the light64 Chapter 64 Sleeping Aliya65 Chapter 65 Rise from the death66 Chapter 66 Hidden secrets of our kiss we share67 Chapter 67 Enchanted Room68 Chapter 68 My Love69 Chapter 69 Secrets70 Chapter 70 Intimacy's71 Chapter 71 Planning our Wedding72 Chapter 72 Awaken your past73 Chapter 73 Awaken your past74 Chapter 74 Unspoken love is revealed.75 Chapter 75 Not Leaving your side76 Chapter 76 A New Life was born77 Chapter 77 Violette78 Chapter 78 Old love never dies79 Chapter 79 I guess it is just me and you80 Chapter 80 You will be alright. I am here81 Chapter 81 Time is ticking82 Chapter 82 This ends now .....83 Chapter 83 Ripped heart84 Chapter 84 Ashes to ashes85 Chapter 85 A glimpse of hope86 Chapter 86 Cherish moments like this87 Chapter 87 Hope88 Chapter 88 Pink Wheels89 Chapter 89 Family90 Chapter 90 LIfe after the war91 Chapter 91 First Doctor Appointment92 Chapter 92 Your not alone in this93 Chapter 93 Prophecy of Selene94 Chapter 94 Our little miracle95 Chapter 95 Protecting you96 Chapter 96 Buying our first Home97 Chapter 97 Deepest desires98 Chapter 98 Bloody tragedy unveiled99 Chapter 99 Your vendetta will lead only to your ruin100 Chapter 100 Aliya and Ethan flee Ares