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The Vampire King's Bride

Chapter 10 Because I can

Word Count: 1421    |    Released on: 08/06/2024

look away until I saw her squirm in fear, which I had to admit, I admired how long she could hold m

window, pushing the curtain to the side so that she could look out into the night. "You know it's not as

narrowing my eyes as I watched her rest her head against t

esponded with a groan as if I was trying to destroy her life because I wou

espite wishing I didn't. I knew Bast would continue to treat me this way, as was her right; I only wish she didn't feel as though she had to. It's

in," Bast whispered almost inaudibly as I carried her to the

much of a choice when you do things like this," I responded after a few

er it would be to hate you

ch easier,

you." Bast said, biting the inside of her lip as she ran her index finger along the right side of my face, narro

of her arm, as I couldn't be sure how still she would be for the rest of the night. 'Rambling on like a madwoman, isn't s

res don't care about anything more than

s I could never have guessed that she could know this. I didn't think it was possible for

furrowing her brows in confusion as she inched back on

know about th

hat are you t

. You did." I said, throwing my hands up in a show of defeat, as I didn't quite understand

and confusion as she continued to glare at me, shaking

em from her mind.' I thought, gasping out in disbelief as I jumped to my feet, then jumped out of her bedroom window without another word. I didn'

y sound like heinous lies." Sam said with a chuckle as he greeted me at the front door, watchin

ock, then disbelief flashed through his light blue eyes in less than

missed!" Sam said after a long and painful silence, shaking his head as he began pacing back

've known this was coming, and perhaps it was only wish

. I know you have told me to arrange a college life for her, bu

more than I have already." I said, cocking my head to the side as I watched him continue to pace, refraining from r

t you plan to take her as your own, yes? So, do as she believ

o no such

the human." Sam spat, cutting me

hat again, Alastair? I believe I

now, upon what very well may be the hour of my death. If you allow me to live, you must do so knowing that if you allow yourself to be turned recreant, for that human gir

r a single shred of uncertainty in his eyes, of which I found none, much to my chagrin. "You could not carry on the order of your

y further misconceptions. I could follow your orders, but I would choose not to. She is worth nothing if not to keep you from turni

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1 Chapter 1 Upon a hilltop2 Chapter 2 Coven3 Chapter 3 Alexander4 Chapter 4 Dwindling bloodline5 Chapter 5 I scared you 6 Chapter 6 Baby girl7 Chapter 7 Do what I must8 Chapter 8 Death by starvation9 Chapter 9 Rebellion10 Chapter 10 Because I can11 Chapter 11 Irksome Women12 Chapter 12 Excitement13 Chapter 13 Semi-annual visit14 Chapter 14 Semantics15 Chapter 15 Imagination16 Chapter 16 Reminiscing17 Chapter 17 The morning after18 Chapter 18 Newborn19 Chapter 19 Choices20 Chapter 20 Break off21 Chapter 21 Obstacle Course22 Chapter 22 Pains23 Chapter 23 Visitation24 Chapter 24 Morris25 Chapter 25 Dunfanaghy26 Chapter 26 Combine27 Chapter 27 Crests28 Chapter 28 Jitters29 Chapter 29 Familial love30 Chapter 30 Butcher Pt. 131 Chapter 31 Butcher Pt. 232 Chapter 32 Prime Targets33 Chapter 33 Dominion34 Chapter 34 Evolution35 Chapter 35 Mr. Beaumont36 Chapter 36 Creatures of the night37 Chapter 37 Protection detail38 Chapter 38 The Families39 Chapter 39 Primitive Minds Pt. 140 Chapter 40 Primitive minds Pt. 241 Chapter 41 Fearful fae42 Chapter 42 Reunited43 Chapter 43 Soren44 Chapter 44 Jurisdiction45 Chapter 45 Downsides46 Chapter 46 Division Pt. 147 Chapter 47 Division Pt. 248 Chapter 48 Lost and found49 Chapter 49 Woodpile50 Chapter 50 Behind the veil51 Chapter 51 Reappearance52 Chapter 52 Joshua53 Chapter 53 Memories Mourned54 Chapter 54 Bloodlines55 Chapter 55 Recreant in cuffs56 Chapter 56 Cliffside revelations57 Chapter 57 Vacancy58 Chapter 58 The Yolkov Brothers59 Chapter 59 Imprisonment60 Chapter 60 Silence61 Chapter 61 Bunker Sweep62 Chapter 62 Sixty Seconds63 Chapter 63 Escape the Fallen64 Chapter 64 Arrogating the Right65 Chapter 65 Creatures of the Night.66 Chapter 66 Decisions67 Chapter 67 Amused Curiosity68 Chapter 68 Vampire Gaming69 Chapter 69 Koara70 Chapter 70 No More Waiting71 Chapter 71 Proposal72 Chapter 72 Vampires in Chicago73 Chapter 73 Sinclair’s Void74 Chapter 74 Family Gathering75 Chapter 75 It’s Time, Bastet