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Chapter 2 I AM NOT ALONE

Word Count: 1597    |    Released on: 08/06/2024



“YOUR APARTMENT IS ON FIRE.” The scream that had pierced through the phone call replayed in my mind, a hauntin

umbed my senses. My future, once housed within the walls of my modest apart

firefighter’s van, a beacon of urgency, was parked haphazardly at the corner. I stum

of my life. The doors slid open, revealing a scene of controlled chaos. Firefigh

in hers, I saw the reflection of my own dread. She opened her mouth to speak

ith the acrid scent of destruction, the walls stripped of their familiarity, now just hollowed carcasses

etched thin by necessity. The thought of finding a new apartment was a luxury beyond reach, a distant dream smoth

the tumultuous sea of my despair. I collapsed onto the cold, unforgiving floor, surrendering to the

gentle reminder that I wasn’t alone. “It’s gonna be fine,” she whispered, but her

refighter approached. He moved with a purpose that cut through the haze of my grie

or. “It seems there was an electrical malfunction,” he explained, his voi

d to online tutorials, convinced I could play the electrician. But my

a bitter pill to swallow. Where would I go? What would I do? The questions loom

uation made it an impossible option. “You know, I can help right? Just let me know how I c

already bursting at the seams with life and laughter. Five of us in a one-bedroom a

e of them paused to offer a parting thought. “I hope your insurance can cover this,

g beyond my reach. The luxury of insurance had never fit into my thr

ed in my mind, a stark l

but I think I’ll pass the night at a motel or something,” I said, my fingers

ust a five-minute walk away, surprisingly affordable. I clicked on the link,

inding my way down to the motel I’d sourced earlie

lcomed with the very warm and charming smile

rt in the cold reality of my situation. “Welcome to Levi’s Lodge, ma’am,”

?” she asked, her voice as

oms available?” I inquired, my eyes wanderi

ssured me, then added with a hint

painting I had been inadvertently staring at—a man shrouded in white fluorescent v

The painting, with its ethereal quality, seemed out of place in the simplicity

tory behind that partic

slightly, eager for a distractio

ubled souls,” she declared, her tone somber, eyes locked onto

ked, half-joking, half-serious, seeking

between us with its melody. “Don’t we all?” she replied, her laughter taperin

it a blend of humor and depth, her optimism a bri

ou’ve got, miss...” I trailed off,

ll me Ren,” she offered, her na

, “you’ve such a

ng as she handed me the key to my temporary sanctuary. “

s a haven—a place to rest my weary body and mind. The day’s events replaye

dered to the embrace of a cold shower, letting the water wash over me, a cleansing ritual for both body and so

e, only to realize with a sinking feeling that I had left it on the bed. Cursing under my brea

ne—else. A figure sat there, an intruder in the dimly lit room, their gaze locked onto mine with an intens

lnerability magnified by the stranger’s unexpected presence. Who was this person, and what did they want? The questi

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