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Married to a retired playboy

Married to a retired playboy

Author: Bigbanknia

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1300    |    Released on: 14/06/2024

the phone tighter, her knuckles white against the purple and white plastic pouch. Three years. Three years of dating Emmy. Yet,

yn over the phone. “I will have to remind him myself….. lik

r blend of concern and worry, crackled through the receiver

hat stretched late, demanded his undivided attention, and convenient

her voice laced with a bitterness she tried

imsy, a desperate attempt to salvage a day that already f

A heads-up, a casual 'thinking of you' kind of thing? Then, if

ng in her chest. A casual call, a subtle reminder

my's name, a familiar pang of nervousness twisting in her gut. Today, she would find out. Today, the truth, whatever it

lled him three times before she

re not busy?” She sent the short text, omitting

er mind as doubt began to swell in her heart. She noticed Emmy's strange behavior but she had been ignoring those signs, for three years, she had been comm

his office. She needs to see him in person so th

the rain outside as Vanessa sto

s that blurred the city lights. Clutching a flimsy umbrella that offered little protection, she

f gleaming new cars. Vanessa's gaze, however, landed on a different occupant – a dented, cherry-red Ford nestled in a forgotten corner. Rain

e sleek sports car she'd dreamt of but Rusty, her companion, had never let her down. With a

d with a hint of exasperation and a whole lot of fondness. Rusty wasn't perfect, far from it, but today, amidst the chaos and frustration,

nessa hadn't dared to imagine. Her carefully chosen outfit, a mix of power su

essa's heart hammered against her ribs, a stark counterpoint to the hushed sounds

ss a scene ripped from a bad soap opera. Emmy, her Emmy, her boyfriend for three years, was entangled with

oked sob escaped her lips, a tiny sound that shattered the scene. Emmy's head snapped up, his face a mask of surprise

gilded picture frame on the bookshelf, held a picture of them, two smiling faces, a life

to swallow her whole. A primal roar erupted from Vanessa's throat, a sound raw with fury and heartbreak. The scene before her blurred as

rossed the room, the distance between them evaporating in a heartbeat. Her hand,

punctuated by choked sobs. "Three anniv

, mirroring her blow. The impact sent a jolt of pain through Vanessa's chee

ger slowly turned to sadness. Her boyfriend slapped her b

t mean to do it” Emmy apologizes for hitting her but he

, desperate attempt to salvage a shred of dignity, a

ut the words that would sever the ties that

years of stolen moments and whispered promises. With a final, lingering lo

irrored the tempest raging within her. Each pounding drop was a cleans

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