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Chapter 3 Unexpected call

Word Count: 1029    |    Released on: 02/07/2024



he vegetables, my mind wandered, unable to focus. The sound of the knife hitting the tabl

my first kiss without hesitation or apology. The pain of that moment still lin

e. The aroma burst forth, enveloping the ceiling and captivating my s

y notoriously slow cooking pace that always seemed to leave her and our taste buds hanging. ‘Mo

ess from my mom. ‘I’m adding a special ingredient, Mom,’ I said,

as intrigued, though. I quickly added a dash of paprika and a sprinkle

d the room, and my mom’s expression softened. ‘Okay, okay,’ she s

reaching for my favorite flowering deep-bowled plate. Just then, the kitchen land

ce washing over me as I continued to set the tabl

But the persistent ringing eventually got the better of me. I carefully placed the plate on the

otic voice on the other end. But instead, a warm,

my mom’s attention. ‘Natalie, focus and serve the food!’ my mom admonished, her voice laced with

he phone close to my ear. ‘Why in the fuckin world did you call me on the kitchen landline?’ I w

d what I might have just said. “Wait, did I just…?” I trailed off, my hands gesturing as if to demonstrate my uncertainty, even though

you meant. But I have to say, it’s cute to hear you trying to speak my language.” I chuckled,

longer, catching up on each other’s lives. As we wrapped up the

er to your place later. I have somet

ke you causing trouble in her house anytime soon!” I poured myself a glass of water and

I asked, my tone softening.

ough the phone. “I need to talk to you a

nd pressured to know the reason behind her sudden seriousness. “What is

Gabriella’s hesitation. “I’ll tell you when I see you

nt to talk about that was so serious? But her pleading tone won me over. “Oka

our text with some minor adju

“What’s going on? Why the secrecy? And, ow, my ears!

orry about that, Nat! I got a bit carried

eard a male tone in the background. My eyes widened

d a bombshell. “The guy who stole your

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