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Einstein's Brain

Chapter 7 Busted

Word Count: 1860    |    Released on: 29/06/2024

ense sunlight in Africa and while still thinking of an answer, he presumed the harsh sunlight could be blamed for Africans’ skin color, or maybe, he thought, there had been black

So tell me, between the two of them, which was black and which was white, which was Asian and which was African”. While still thinking maybe he should keep sleeping o

ht for a few seconds and then humorously replied ‘’And what do you want

to the door and turned the knob, the old man met him with a friendly grin, which he didn't return, by principles, that would reduce his sneeze. He is about to have one of the deepest conversations of his life with a man he calls “the wise” and he is nervous, it isn't that he was dumb, but then no one can predict the outcome of a chess game between a mind-reader and a prophet. Uncle Suleiman to him was someone who easily broke into people's defenses, manipulating them to his favor, Kamal could simply say without doubt that if Machiavelli was to be reincarnated it would be him. The old man found a stool for himself and while he was ab

saint as you take him to be…. Uncle Suleiman said, but then Kama

ly say “Oh, it's the clown”. But with your Dad, everyone thinks he is Moses, always right, with him, they tell their secrets without compromise, take his words without checking, walk with him with careless steps and when he decides to destroy them, he do

nd now young man, can you tell me what my pitfalls are? The old man said while stroking his mustache. Kamal said nothing,

he peak of his fury ‘’It is good to dabble in adventures, Kamal, but th

u return the brain you stole from his daughter or you stand to face the outcome of your actions” The wise said ‘I don't know what you think of me Uncle, but I wil

! Your father already

t bargain has be

t paid him off, other times he suffered dearly, and now he was thinking ‘Would this be like most times or like other times? The old man stepped out of the room and through sen

years old. It seemed to him from a distance that they were having a dialogue with his Uncle and in a few minutes would be unto him. First instinct told him to hide, but then that would only make him guilty of whatever they were going to accuse him of, so he stood composed and firm where he was, the three

him ‘yes, is there any problem? He questioned ‘yes you're accused of theft and rape by a certain

ff ‘Whatever you have to say should be reserved for later, y

t mean” Kamal

ry of a great king with enormous power, he had an assistant who had a habit of always saying ‘Everything happens for a reason’ no matter how great an incident was. Then there was a day when while the king was sharpening his sword, the sword slipped from his hand and fell on his toe, cutting it off. The assistant was there, and while the great king expected him to feel remorse for him, the assistant simply said “Everything happens for a reason', the king got annoyed and told his guards to imprison the assistant. The next day the king and his guards went hunting, in the forest the king saw a deer and chased after it until he was lost in a deep part of the forest, far away from his guards, as he sought to find his way back, he came across ya group of tribes who captured him, he tried telling them that he was a king, but they couldn't under

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