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The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 10 Goosebumps

Word Count: 4747    |    Released on: 20/06/2024

ars la

t. My heart tenses to the sight that lays naked in front of me, no matter how many occasions t

one anything to him! Is he a masochist or what?" Words of annoyance and ragin

aint the entirety of his being as he lies with no fight bleeding from every fresh open bruise. One of the juveniles kicks hi

le neither the smell nor the sight of it. I had developed this

I shall make sure to it that y

ark skies teases me. The male cackles whilst his tongue seeps out as a vile snake to lick the blood on

ste yes?" Another shameful male settles in with his disgusting banter taking predatory steps towards me whilst examining my body with desire from head t

to their blatant harassment, it isn't my fault my body has matu

. But I cannot leave Deimos here to g

t gives them the pleasure of a quest for they see me as this lamb, this prey they can devour with ease. The final prize. It never matter

sed fist pummels into the cheek of the nearest juvenile to me shattering his jaw scraping him

rs with a ferocity proceeding to stand in front of me whilst his palm gently shifts me by my hip urging me to take shelter

t as he unveils his teeth at the relentless lustful males.

imos holds is often uncared for, the juveniles ceaselessly taking advant

ice echoes through the empty field

"Alpha Cronus." They greet him their bodies quaking with anxiety to face th

upon his face, hands held behind his back he marches to us leisurely with an excited bounce in his steps. This is how he is, he may look well-

iated the fight out of nowhere as he has done for the past eight

s in the variation of appearances." His grin widens as he draws a tissue from hi

's voice is muffled as he wipes h

he rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his forearms whilst twisting his h

n." The males are swift to kneel upon the ground in submission to him. Cronus

anymore as though he is about to collapse. I catch him

grabbing the tissue from the tired male's hand and rubbing his slashed cheek removing the filth and dried bl

neel by Deimos whose mind seems to be elsewhere eyes glued to a spot whilst he plunges deep in his agony. Why must he torture him

ay. "Are you crying?" His eyes widen whilst his forest greens mee

will you keep injuring yourself on purpose? H

eak his mind for I am aware of his pretences. He lies to me sayin

is frail, he lacks your strength. You must return home to your pack soon, they are unprotected without you. Bu

lst he cradles my face with his palms and wipe

Deimos. Why won't you consider me? Why do you not ca

ther and my brother. They were all I have ever known. I do not wish to breathe anymore.

We are here for you, Deimos. Cronus,

t possesses and I'd rather not either. Love is a weakness, one I cannot aff

he heals." Before I could protest, Cronus suspends our conversation, conveying a comm

ears promptly to pay heed to his words

ssuring me this shall all pass s

age after Alpha Ares and Luna Aphrodite perished in that car accident, his pack mourned their loss but

guarded Deimos's pack over the years with resilience and strength. But Deimos did not make it simple for us frequently getting i

uncaring juvenile. The way he grew taller, hair thicker, and forest green orb

t and slipped into a ruthless depression we couldn't rescue him from. But I took the initiative t

few years when he was a pup but all his calls were left unanswered as though he was indirectly steered to rise fr

eel him welcomed but nothing we did got through to him. He became nocturnal staying awake submerging in loneliness the en

ally he faltered. Till today we see it, his true e

gone but no wolf could go against father's resolution to support him, for his words are law. Bu

r situation, he sought and still seeks comfort from me and I am unhesitant to

ronus grunts under the pr

s foul bed. My eyes take in the unfathomable nastiness of the room, whiskey bottles embracing each corner

do not possess attendants as Deimos did for we are

e bed to lie on his side regarding me with affectionate eyes. I do not reply t

g from the kitchen. I need to clean

a." Deimos sits up with an exhausted groan whi

ying heed to my words heading out

washing. His eyes remain upon my heat unwavering waiting for my attention yet

tle by his bed, he is swift to seize my wrist with a delicateness tuggi

of teeth I offer him revealing m

e pleads sealing his eyes with tiredness whilst

ions, you cannot ke

relieve myself of my suffering. I wish there was another wa

ot seek alternative measures anymore. I am tired of it. Look at you. Look at this p


unwinding calmly as he obtains succour from me. "Father h

ning once again. I am frig

g down at him as he opens his or

me. I do not mind being alone, but it is

the ability to achieve anything y

bly." He says glancing up at me to

ame time as you, I am excited for you both." It will feel empty without him

tics attempting to push him away from me. He knows just the way to mak

both of them and arise to continue with the cleaning. Deimos glances at me with imploring eyes as th

tles inside doing my best to remain quiet as possible as to not add f

mediate unhesitant unyielding blow to his face. He bleeds once mor

this way forever, Deimos. I cannot keep punishing my wolves for something you caused. Do you u

after me." He whispers spine bent head low. His sho

stroying yourself. Keep your promises, Deimos." Cronus utters with a firm raise in his voic

things with honour. Phobos showed me th

befalls in my life reminds me of him. I evermore find my way back to memories of him to the point it drai

peeking at the both of us from under his la

om today onwards you are prohibited from consuming alcohol of any k

hrough his discomfort but it does not seem to be help

t I

st of Deimos's leftover booze. He possesses none now. "Come Theia we shall go prepare for dinner whilst this

e dumbfounded male who growls lowly with displeasure at my brother. Cronus closes the door behind us w

is relentless pleading for booz

ape those doe eyes that begged you." I giggle teasi

ou spoil hi

ne what it would be like to lose mother, father or you." I smile a raw smile up at him as his

ia." He utters whilst guiding

a wolf dear to me too. I lost Phobos. But I shall never say this to any wolf

ven Deimos saunters into the dining hall, spine straight ch

as he rises from his seat to embrace him. Father declared that he shall beckon him by his title

lowly to him in warning to his juvenile immatureness and disrespect

him her eyes shining with approval of the male. Despite his

not come." He chuckles as his eyes scan the

you think of returning home, Deimos? Your father must be waiting with the moon for the seat is void."

time before answering him back. There is a silence that envelopes us around the table, all e

ecided to

th happiness to his reply. She truly wishes the best

I mustn't prolong this further." He states going for

ins at me whilst I peek down m

hen you shall leave

o his words placing a few extra pieces of bread on my plat

the moist bread taking tiny bites. "I

this seemed too soon and abrupt for us. "Oh, our sweet male." Mother begins to weep wipi

s a lot, he perceives a certain power in him that we cannot. He frequently states it is simmering beneath h

you, Ur

er. We would unmistakably miss him for he is part of the family but at t

ften to spend some time with myself for at night my heart dreams and I can picture him with clarity. I can imagine

se Phobos in

that resembles an hourglass which has compelled me to receive plenty of unwanted male's attention. The way they look at me is strange. Their lecherous eyes seem

or Deimos by my side but I periodically slip out without him knowing. I wish t

oes not desire me the same way for if he tru

cheeks flare with shyness as I dive deep into the orbs for it is

the necklace he gifted me and weep for hours on several freezing empty nights. Is this a mere crush? If it is then

issed by him. I wonder if he claims her passionately as his every night till dawn, does he laugh with her as he l

e is not mine, yet I desperately

male," I whisper out loud into the night breeze. If I

s my flesh and I stiffen immediately on guard, my short dress is pulled back

yes can see. It is occurring again. My heart hammers with intensity

e anything for the full moon's light does not expose everything. I am

uentness of its occurrences. This awareness

g of being

e emotions that flood me like wildfire, it is a pec

skin aflame with



y little

me light on Deimos's past and his relationship with Theia. I won

or your lov




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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 First Meeting3 Chapter 3 The Next Heir4 Chapter 4 No Lies5 Chapter 5 The Only One6 Chapter 6 Sunflower7 Chapter 7 Weakness8 Chapter 8 His Beast9 Chapter 9 His Broken Promises10 Chapter 10 Goosebumps11 Chapter 11 My Male12 Chapter 12 Haunted13 Chapter 13 I Remember14 Chapter 14 Something Is Coming15 Chapter 15 Hell - Part【1】16 Chapter 16 Hell - Part【2】17 Chapter 17 Hell - Part【3】18 Chapter 18 Slay Me - Part【1】19 Chapter 19 Slay Me - Part【2】20 Chapter 20 Slay Me -【3】21 Chapter 21 Impure - Part【1】22 Chapter 22 Impure - Part【2】23 Chapter 23 Impure - Part【3】24 Chapter 24 Impure - Part【4】25 Chapter 25 Moje - Part【1】26 Chapter 26 Moje - Part【2】27 Chapter 27 Moje - Part【3】28 Chapter 28 Moje - Part【4】29 Chapter 29 Wickedly Dangerous - Part【1】30 Chapter 30 Wickedly Dangerous - Part【2】31 Chapter 31 Wickedly Dangerous - Part【3】32 Chapter 32 Wickedly Dangerous - Part【4】33 Chapter 33 His Affection - Part【1】34 Chapter 34 His Affection - Part【2】35 Chapter 35 His Affection - Part【3】36 Chapter 36 His Affection - Part【4】37 Chapter 37 His Affection - Part【5】38 Chapter 38 His Affection - Part【6】39 Chapter 39 Winnie - Part【1】40 Chapter 40 Winnie - Part【2】41 Chapter 41 Winnie - Part【3】42 Chapter 42 Winnie - Part【4】43 Chapter 43 Winnie - Part【5】44 Chapter 44 Winnie - Part【6】45 Chapter 45 Drahá - Part【1】46 Chapter 46 Drahá - Part【2】47 Chapter 47 Drahá - Part【3】48 Chapter 48 Drahá - Part【4】49 Chapter 49 Drahá - Part【5】50 Chapter 50 Drahá - Part【6】51 Chapter 51 Our Queen - Part【1】52 Chapter 52 Our Queen - Part【2】53 Chapter 53 Our Queen - Part【3】54 Chapter 54 Me - Part【1】55 Chapter 55 Me - Part【2】56 Chapter 56 Me - Part【3】57 Chapter 57 Me - Part【4】58 Chapter 58 Distasteful - Part【1】59 Chapter 59 Distasteful - Part【2】60 Chapter 60 Distasteful - Part【3】61 Chapter 61 Distasteful - Part【4】62 Chapter 62 Distasteful - Part【5】63 Chapter 63 Yours - Part【1】64 Chapter 64 Yours - Part【2】65 Chapter 65 Yours - Part【3】66 Chapter 66 Yours - Part【4】67 Chapter 67 Yours - Part【5】68 Chapter 68 Yours - Part【6】69 Chapter 69 Anything & Everything - Part【1】70 Chapter 70 Anything & Everything - Part【2】71 Chapter 71 Anything & Everything - Part【3】72 Chapter 72 Anything & Everything - Part【4】73 Chapter 73 Anything & Everything - Part【5】74 Chapter 74 Senseless - Part【1】75 Chapter 75 Senseless - Part【2】76 Chapter 76 Senseless - Part【3】77 Chapter 77 Senseless - Part【4】78 Chapter 78 A Sinful Storm - Part【1】79 Chapter 79 A Sinful Storm - Part【2】80 Chapter 80 A Sinful Storm - Part【3】81 Chapter 81 A Sinful Storm - Part【4】82 Chapter 82 My Moonlight - Part【1】83 Chapter 83 My Moonlight - Part【2】84 Chapter 84 My Moonlight - Part【3】85 Chapter 85 My Moonlight - Part【4】86 Chapter 86 My Moonlight - Part【5】87 Chapter 87 My Moonlight - Part【6】88 Chapter 88 I Belong To You - Part【1】89 Chapter 89 I Belong To You - Part【2】90 Chapter 90 I Belong To You - Part【3】91 Chapter 91 I Belong To You - Part【4】92 Chapter 92 I Belong To You - Part【5】93 Chapter 93 Miluji Tě - Part【1】94 Chapter 94 Miluji Tě - Part【2】95 Chapter 95 Miluji Tě - Part【3】96 Chapter 96 Miluji Tě - Part【4】97 Chapter 97 Miluji Tě - Part【5】98 Chapter 98 Lose Him - Part【1】99 Chapter 99 Lose Him - Part【2】100 Chapter 100 Lose Him - Part【3】