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Claimed By My Cruel Alpha

Claimed By My Cruel Alpha


Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 2133    |    Released on: 21/06/2024

e to L


n's P

hool gates. The last exam of junior year was ov

red to myself, a small s

ol ending. For me, it meant so

m, dad, and little sister. Our town's name comes from two old words - 'Lah' for moon and 'Piaro' for river. It f

There are only a few humans, maybe 2%, and they're all linked to our

n a werewolf town must be cool!" But

can also be mean and power-hungry. Our pack has strict rules, and if you break

Wolfe, the alpha's son and the next in line to lead the pack. He's been

, and suddenly, I was Sebastian 's new target. He and his gang -

aper, water, even coffee. They made me run errands for them. I couldn't

That's when thing

's lunch, and bam! His fist connected with my face. Everyone was shocked, e

uiet, thinking I could handle it. I didn'

ths ago, ever

s cornered me. Before I knew what was happening, I was on th

tasted blood. It hu

.. da

hree broken ribs, five fractures, and a broke

s. We cried together in that white h

in this pack anymore. But I couldn't just leave either. Runni

nardel, where my uncle Max lived. It wasn't easy, but they ag

old him about my dream of studying architecture, and how ther

best day

freedom. Just one more month of co

o myself. "Just one more m

hday - the day werewolves can find their mates. I was excited, sure, but a

s jumping with ex

it to meet our mate either. But please, Lun

idn't notice Sebastian and his gang c

ered. "If it isn't little kirian.

t pounding. "W-w

now? Starting tomorrow, you'll be spending y

n't be happening. "But... but

off. "Run away to another school? Did

rain from my face.

ming with malice. "You should see yo

to the ground. Sebastian circled me s

going anywhere. You belong to this pack - to me.

cut through the tension.

rds us. Sebastian and his gang stepped back, thei

ly. "Just having a friendly chat

fly, not trus

it. "Okay... Well, kirian, your mom

managed to say. "I

es burning into my back. My mind was racing. How did the

Lily's concerned voice b

h, I'm fine. Just tire

s we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that

for me in the living room. One look at

arted, her voice shaking s

eart pounding. "

pha called us today. He... he's ch

n its axis. "What? But why

said quietly. "

t now? I'm just stuck here? With Sebast

this out, kirian," my mom said, reaching out to sq

s. We all knew there was little they

omorrow was my birthday, the day I might find my ma

te prayer to the Lunar Goddess. "Please, if you're

my plea. And she was about to answer in a

ldn't put my finger on it. But as I got ready for the day, I noti

thday jitters," I

it was more than that.

I overheard my parents t

" my mom was saying

"But the signs are all the

d the kitchen. They both jumped

ie," my mom said, her

ied slowly. "Is

those looks that parents do

you noticed anything... differ

ually. I feel stronger, somehow. And my senses s

ined from bot

s," my mom whispe

d, fear creeping into my

easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say

laughed nervously. "That's not possible. I'm just... me. Regular old

rely, the Lunar Goddess chooses a new Alpha. Someone

"But... but why me?

're kind, and brave, and strong in ways that have nothing to do with phy

ank in, a new fear gripped me. "What's go

ll knew what it meant. Sebastian and his

a loud knock at the

ce called. "By order o

in their eyes. I took a deep

ising myself with how calm

over me. Whatever was coming, I would face it. Because for the first t

followed by Sebastian and several pack enfo

ory said, his voice a mix

ted with rage. "This is impossible! He c

, I felt a surge of confidence. I step

almly. "But if the Lunar Goddess

ch me, an invisible force seemed to push him bac

otection," he murmured. Then, to everyone's sur

followed suit, even Sebastian , t

d changed forever. The boy who had been bullied and beaten was gone. In hi

one thing for certain: Lahpiaro was about to chang

ugh the windows, I felt a smile spread across my face. For the

y to face

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