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The Poor Young Master

Chapter 7 Ch. 7

Word Count: 1757    |    Released on: 22/06/2024

where only the wealthy and prestigious could dine. Virtuous Court also required a membership re

ld. The company specialized in import and export business, mainly dealing with artistic pieces. As the company chairman, Russell himself w

spectfully at the entrance of Virtuous Court with him. This scene caused quite a s

ng Group, Russell Field? Who is he wait

like Russell is waiting so humbl

coming? Whoever it is, they

entrance of Virtuous Court, he frowned inside the Bentley. “Didn’t

Master, President Field must ha

Philip coldly. “Head to the parking lot an

oung Master.”

away into th

s he was patiently waiting for the guest of honor today. He

tuffed in his pockets as he spoke, sounding displeased, “Dad, just who are

shed voice, “Behave yourself. If they show up and you m

is friends to go clubbing, but his old father had dragged him over to meet some big-sho

then solemnly turned around. “Alright, ever

f them were confused

aited for a whole day now, but I didn’t even catch a glimpse of them.” However, he did not dare

l, he took his son along and hasten

n, Tyler saw two people standing i

this blind, can he? Which part of this guy looks sophis

ssatisfaction grew. It was thanks to this

hands and a face full of smiles as he went towa

omas, you’re

extending only one hand

to the young man standing

larke. He’s also the investor this time

orge Thomas, President

prominent figure in Riverdale City. Although he could not compare to George,

family was in control of more than half of the world’s assets. That must mean that th

n. “This humble servant, Russell Field, has been too dense to recogniz

I still have some things to take care of, so let’s make this quick. I hear

open up the art pieces market to international countries. The channel sales in America and Italy have been doing extremely well, so as an estimation,

Even if Russell was worth three billion,

d, frowning slightly as he s

at the start was a little too much. Other than Apex Group, there

longest time. Even Tyler who had been looking down

40% of the shares.” Philip smiled lik

felt like he was being watched over b

they had easily offered to invest two billion dollars! Scary! This

Clarke, are you sure you want to invest two billion?” Russell was barely able to

add a bit more,” sa


ight now. He quickly answered,

dence that he could conquer both the American and Italian markets.

he box, unrolled it, and smiled. “Young Master Clarke, this is an authentic painting by the famous Tang Bohu of

ssell gifted were naturally authentic! In the market, an origi

rison to Philip’s investment,

anks, President Field.” He then held the rolled-up pain

in a full suit coming over with a smile on his face. “Young Master

in their tracks, looking at t

was true! President Field had been right! The young man who could have t

d to welcome you. This is the platinum VIP membership card of Virtuous Court. If Young Master Clark

fore taking the membership card an

o start walking again, leaving the

vier, “Mr. Morris, my young master doesn’t

t worry. No other soul besides me will know of Young M

nside George’s Bentley but was about to rent a bicycle. However, the mom

going to explain

as leading a group of well-dressed men an

hilip, the latter quickly explained

d delivery to

to get irritated when she saw his weak appearance. What mad

nt. “Deputy Manager Johnston, is this delivery man the husba

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