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Mafia's Accidental Bride

Chapter 5 A Hesitant Step into Chaos

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 23/06/2024

on lights flickered through the windows, casting a frantic strobe effect on the manic

y's already rocking!" she ye

ming. Her carefully styled hair threatened to unravel u

ybes! Tonight's all about you steppin

ia's hand and pulled her to

shouts competed for dominance. Nadia felt like a lone sailboat caught in a hurricane. People brushed past h

owd like a familiar fish, throwing out greetings and catching up wi

ner where a group of women, adorned in all the glitter and sparkle the nig

oomed, easily reclai

f the men who looked to be in his early

s Nadia, her eyes gleaming. "This, my friends, is Nad

g a blush creep up her neck. The compl

shatter glass stepped forward. "Elina, you never told us you knew someone so...el

t like a spotlight. She longed for the comforting quiet of her kitchen, the pr

mile holding a tray of colorful cocktails. Nadia politely declined, her stomac

softer now, sensing her friend's discomfo

palm. Her gaze then landed on Elina, her best friend, beaming with genuine joy. Ma

. "Alright," she conceded, surprising both herself and Elina.

at's the spirit! Now, come on, let's mingle! I've

r of curiosity battling her anxiety. Maybe, just maybe, this night wouldn't be a complete disa

music. The pounding music vibrated through Nadia's chest, a physical manifestation of the anxiety churning in her stom

ith a mumbled excuse about needing some fresh air, Nadia slipp

entle hum of crickets chirping was a balm to her ears compared to the relentless elect

gh n

who offered her the drink earlier. He leaned against the rai

Nadia replied cautiously

iousness in his voice. "Parties aren't exactly my for

ly. "She certainly

ickets. Nadia wasn't used to talking to strangers at parties, but something

inally offered,

e touch was warm and friendly, a welcome co

, huh?" Liam asked,

p her neck. "Elina tends to broadca

y, it's a good thing! Eve

r. Nadia discovered Liam was a musician, a fact that surprised her considering the loud musi

ced by the comforting hum of conversation and the quiet symphony of the night.

e up after some m

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