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The Gaunt Gray Wolf: A Tale of Adventure With Ungava Bob

Chapter 9 The Indian Maiden At The River Tilt

Word Count: 1649    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

rounded a bend in the river, "there'

I hopes, now, Bob's there an' has a

mixed always 'pears t' make a wetter

Bill Campbell. "I sees smoke

weeks had elapsed since the morning Ungava Bob and Shad Trowbridge had watched them disappear around the rive

accompanied by a raw, searching, easterly wind, a condition of weath

tic of Labrador during the month of September, when Nature pauses to take breath and assemble her force

ous effort. With but three, instead of five, as on the previous journey, to transport t

geurs hailed the end of their journey, with its promised rest, when they fina

utfit," said Ed Matheson cheerily, stepping ashore and striding up the trail le

rs of age. She was clad in fringed buckskin garments, decorated in coloured designs. Her hair hung in two long black braids, while around her forehead she wore

and graceful, and for a full minute the usually collecte

power of speech at the same time. "I weren't expectin' t' find an

poken so rapidly and with such vehemence that, though he boasted a smattering of the language, he was unable to comp

ndian and addressing her in English, "just 'bide there a bit, lass, whil

down the tra

jun lass at th' tilt, firin' a l

k. "What's she doin' there, n

e's doin' you'll have t' find out. It seems like she's

t th' cargo ashore, an' I'll find out what 'tis;" and Dick hu

re Ed had left her, and Di

the maiden bring to

ter of Sishetakushin, whose lodge is pitched on the shores of the Great Lake,

!" excla

big river broadens. The lodge was newly made. It was a white man's lodge, for it was built of trees. The men of the South

e South were there?" asked

passed with a painted canoe and much provisions. Then, while

spirits that dwell where the river falls reached up for

All night and all day have I travelled, for I am afraid for White Brother of the Snow. He has

spoke the truth. Neither had he any doubt that she referred to Ungava Bob and Shad Trowbridge as the two white men, for no ot

pause, "White Brother of the Sno

sture of despair. "Where is he? Tell me! It was not White

were no other white men here than Whit

picture of mingled horror and grief. But it was for only an instant.

e Brother of the Snow. They are no

t die," e

ly, reaching for her bow a

o-night and be strong for the chase to-morrow," Dick counselled, kin

ow;" and like a shadow, and as silentl

f vengeance, as he strode down th

rid of, now?" asked Ed Matheson, pausing in h

dead!" announc

echoed Ed and

Injuns down north o' here, huntin' deer, an' their camp's up th' river somewheres. I'm not knowin' rightly where, but we'll

w, th' lads is d

an' clean as a rifle shot;" and Dick went on to rep

ets a ashore. I were caught onct in th' rapids above Muskrat Falls, an'

in'. You knows you never could be gettin' out o' them rapids an' no

rd figure to its full height and placing his hand on Dick's shoulder, "me an' you's stood by one 'nother for a good many

d Bill, "t

heir evening meal. Then while they smoked their pipes, light packs were

heir rifles, swung out into the forest, and rapidly but cautiously

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