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Trapper To Love

Trapper To Love

Author: chifavour

Chapter 1 The plan

Word Count: 1720    |    Released on: 23/06/2024

reminder of the life he felt slipping through his fingers. At 27, he was nowhere near where he had imagined he would be. His job at the marketing firm

pose. But every step he took seemed to lead him further away from that dream. His job, though it paid the bills, left him feeling

future. The bar was a dimly lit, cozy place, frequented by a mix of locals and young professionals like himself. It was a place where

g and sharing stories, couples engrossed in intimate conversations, and solitary figures like himself, lost in their th

se of self-assuredness that came from years of experience. They seemed so different from the women his age, who were often still try

ple, his natural charisma and good looks opening doors for him that might otherwise remain closed. But this would be different. This wouldn’t be about a fle

ty, and a wealth of life experience. They knew what they wanted, and they appreciated someone who could offer the

sful, sophisticated, and preferably single. He would attend events where he might encounter such women—charity galas, art exhibitions, hig

k he needed to fit into the circles he aimed to infiltrate. He spent the next weekend shopping for clothes that would hel

pretty face. He read books on conversation, etiquette, and body language, absorbing tips on how to navigate high society w

ng events in the city, choosing a high-profile charity gala as his first target. It was an annual

ail was perfect. His suit fit him like a glove, his shoes were polished to a shine, and his hair was styled j

of the taxi. The entrance was bustling with elegantly dressed guests, the air filled with the hum of conversation an

rpieces and fine china. Lucas scanned the crowd, his eyes searching for potential targets. He spotted several groups of older women

ing, her navy gown shimmering under the lights, her presence commanding attention even in a room full of glamorous

. Eleanor Mitchell, the successful businesswoman and philanthropist. She was exactly the

ugh the crowd with a practiced ease. He waited for a lull in her co

"Lucas Carter. I couldn’t help but notice th

"Thank you, Mr. Carter. I’m Eleanor Mitchell. It

precedes you," Lucas replied smoothly. "I’ve heard a

playing at her lips. "Well, I do try my best. But enough

she supported. He spoke with genuine enthusiasm, highlighting his own volunteer work and his desire to make a dif

about his enthusiasm, a stark contrast to the jaded attitudes of many of the men she usually encoun

mall victory, but a crucial first step in his plan. What he didn’t anticipate was the growing knot of guilt in

end. But as he lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, he could

nse of purpose, determined to make a good impression on Eleanor at the next event. He researched her interests,

ssful businesswoman; she was a person of depth and integrity, someone who had worked hard to achieve her success and used her i

ealize that the cost of that future might be higher than he had anticipated. He didn’t want to hurt Eleanor, and he d

and apprehension. He was eager to see Eleanor again, but he was also aware of th

before. He chose a classic black tuxedo, making sure every element of his appearance was impeccable

nowned artists. Lucas arrived early, taking the opportunity to familiarize himself with the

ally spotted her, she was standing near a striking painting, deep in conversa

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